
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Funny as Hell Videos

Started by Nina, October 31, 2011, 06:28:21 AM

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In English -

What! I posted this video on Facebook yesterday, Nina! LOL ^^

It doesn't matter, this is so funny that it needs to be on this thread!

Sorry, I thought you read French... :oops: I was just poking you with the stick of fun anyway... :-P
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


Well, i didnt get it off your wall, i gotta admit i was inspired all by myself. :P

And i dont read French, ask Loki, he is always making fun of me when i try. And fail. LMAO. So i stopped doing that. Ca va? *giggles*

ps: i figured out why my links wont show as videos ;)


I figured you probably did that on your own, I was mentioning the funny coincidence... :-P

So Loki knows French? I wouldn't peg him as a Francophone in the least, why do I find that so odd??? *Growls as he thinks*

I think maybe it was Teo that reads French...that's who I was thinking, although how I mixed you and her up, I haven't the faintest clue...when you've lost half your brain cells, sometimes weird stuff like that happens when wires cross...
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


*pats Wolfie*

Its ok, ive seen people with less brain lead countries ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Quote from: Nina on November 23, 2011, 11:17:11 PM
*pats Wolfie*

Its ok, ive seen people with less brain lead countries ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Transatlantic hugs to Nina...

Oh, most of the time I'm fine, but sometimes I screw things up like that or I get mesmerized by weird some YouTube Videos - I've watched the song "Pong" by Eisenfunk maybe 10 times and I still don't "get it"...*sighs*

Oh, we have our share of dummies over here too, considering the Star Tribune's poll, MN will be voting this guy President *facepalm*
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


It is worth remembering that Alastair James Hay Murray, the guy who portrays "The Pub Landlord", is NOT really like this. "He was born in Stewkley, Buckinghamshire, the son of Lieutenant Colonel Ingram Bernard Hay Murray and Juliet Anne Thackeray Ritchie, through whom he is a great-great-great-grandson of 19th century English novelist William Makepeace Thackeray. His grandfather was diplomat Sir Ralph Murray. Murray attended Bedford School (founded 1552) and is a graduate of St Edmund Hall, Oxford (founded 1236), where he studied modern history." He is the antithesis of the character, and the comedy - for English people - stems from the fact that he is a rude, ignorant, stereotypical, xenophobic "Little Englander". So Yanks, don't take offence /wink


Oh dear Lord, it's just like my brother Pat after a break-up! :-P

Try not to laugh nows! ^^

Also, don't drink that racist coffee! :evil:
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

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