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Started by Loki, October 31, 2011, 06:12:17 PM

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The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Nice find Loki. Pretty useful too ;)


Great find Loki! :) Lucid dreams are so awesome...

But I'm confused now (a bit), what if your a Were and you have Lucid D-shifts, as both Bane and I do? Is that a spiritual discovery thing...or not? I'm confused on that point...
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

Bane Bloodfang

Hmm, thats really interesting. I'm a lucid dreamer and have had a spell of lucid dreams for the past 5 days. I have never thought about using my dreams to experiment with spiritual growth. Unless D-shifting counts as Artic mentioned?
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~

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