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Need urgent help about a demon

Started by AlexeWinchester, November 07, 2011, 02:53:30 PM

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Where I live doctors and priests are completely seperated and nearly never talk to each other. And being makor, he can tell the docs to not tell me the whole truth. Moreover, I fully understand your point, but if you would allow me I would want to add something. I know that demon. Faking sanity is way too easy in these times. And he is a manipulator more then anything else.

Alright, I don't mind if you or anyone else don't want to believe me, I never asked you to. However, you can keep check of the news, you'll probably see numerous unexplained murders in my area.


Could you provide more info? Give us some articles? Pictures? Anything? Why would that demon wake up now?Also, in such case of a possession, every priest would call a doc to be there during the exorcism. So, this all sounds very blurry.


Alright, I'm going to approach this the best way I can.
I've read what you had to say, and read what others have said.
I'll keep my opinions quiet for the moment... because depending on the answers you give me, said opinions may change.
As with everyone, I am willing to give them a chance.
But don't mistake me on this... I will call Bulls**t.

"As for medical help, I have the diagnosis (not sure if it's written that way) for him, there's nothing wrong. Psychiatrist, psychologist, general medecins. They found nothing."

How old is he?
Which did he ( your friend ) go to first, Psychologist, or Psychiatrist?
Who took him / sent him there?
What was the diagnosis, verbatim or as close as you can make it?

"The demon itself has a name, a past, and more importantly a totally different personnality."

Elaborate, please.

"Also, I counted 3 apparition in the last 2 days."

What does this have to do with your friend, supposedly being Possessed by a Demon?

Final question...
What makes you believe, this is a Demon?
Why Demon, rather? Why not... Since we're diving into some heavy s**t here, why not an Alien, or a Doppleganger...
How about on the more normal side of things, a Parasite?
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

Bane Bloodfang

~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


If I recall correctly he was sent to a psychologist first, who sent it to a psychiatric, then to a general med. The psychologist only found a faint personnality disorder, which quickly disappeared after a couple of sessions, which he associated with a stronger personnality "absorbing the other ones". He called the case closed until he beated up one of his classmates. Psychiatric took over, could only bring up hypothesises and asked a general doctor to check him up. Pretty much the same again. This all happened when he was between 12 and 16. He is now 18 (at 16 you are allowed to choose if you want to be treated or not) but has periods where he absolutely wants to get treated, when others he strongly dissaproves it.

Ok. For the name, the demon calls itself Vexx. It's under that name I know it and so does the host. From what I know about it, it is overly violent, hates or simply doesnt care about anything, it hates humans in general and find them awfully boring, and the only thing it doesn't find boring is killing. As for its past, my friend knows more about it then me, but this is what i managed to get. (Most of you will say it's cheesy, I don't care, I can copy paste the conversation I had with him if you need to see I didn't invent this) The furthest memory is from an old battlefield, he said he could see it killing a woman with bare hands, probably as far as we started fighting with swords. After he said it was all killing.

My guess is that it was awake from the very beginning. Probably just waiting for it's host to grow a little so if it takes over, it can actually do something. It claimed it was attached to his family's blood, passed down since I don't know when. I can't confirm if that's true since I don't know his family and can't ask former hosts.

As for why, I can't see any other explaination to what's happening. I rely on demons already, I know the feeling of one, and in my opinion based on what I know and what i saw, it's one.


I forgot about the last question. I probably didn't say it correctly. I meant Vexx took over and completely controlled its host 3 times in 2 days.


To me it sounds more like a multiple personality disorder than a demon. But that's just my opinion. Too many kids today fancy the idea of demons. They play with s**t whatnot, then see demons everywhere. Also, thanks to Teo for pointing this one out, but congrats to your friend for being possessed by a video game!


This will sound harsh but I prone honesty more then anything else.

Sure, I won't force you to believe me. It would be a waste of time. Call it a multiple personnality disorder if you want. You can say I'm just crazy and overdoing things. Meh. It's your opinion. But from what I've seen on this forum, I would've needed to come up with a story about pots moving or doors opening and closing by themselves to be taken seriously. I wanted opinions and advices. I got them. And lost two hours of research I could've done to find another way then what I have in mind.


This will sound harsh but I prone honesty more then anything else.

Oh, trust me, so do we, Mr. "Winchester lineage" ;)


I'm going to be as nice about this as I possibly can be.
And please be aware, I did give you fair warning, that I will call bulls**t.

Vexx... is a Videogame character.
I know this, because I own said Videogame...
My oldest plays this frequently.
On our XBox.

Aside from this...

Philosophical Anthropology, for Parapsychology.
Cultural Anthropology, for Region Mythology.

and last, but certainly NOT least... and the most applicable one here:
Behavioral Sciences - Adolescent Sociology, Criminal Psychology

Now, I will offer you ( as I have so many others, recently... ) a way out of this.
A sort of... chance to possibly still have some Credibility and Dignity...

Are you possibly mistaken, in some of the details?
Perhaps, as I have said before, this is something Other than a Demon?

You can feel free to PM me in this, but I believe this Topic should be Locked, but perhaps left here as an Example.
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

Bane Bloodfang

Quote from: AlexeWinchester on November 07, 2011, 04:11:59 PM
This will sound harsh but I prone honesty more then anything else.

Sure, I won't force you to believe me. It would be a waste of time. Call it a multiple personnality disorder if you want. You can say I'm just crazy and overdoing things. Meh. It's your opinion. But from what I've seen on this forum, I would've needed to come up with a story about pots moving or doors opening and closing by themselves to be taken seriously. I wanted opinions and advices. I got them. And lost two hours of research I could've done to find another way then what I have in mind.

What did you honestly expect from us? We're the internet we can't jump over there and fix it we can only observe what you tell us and come up with logical explanations and offer advice, you've done everything we would of suggested anyway. You're taking offence to the most logical and reasonable explanations and frankly Vexx is a videogame and not a demon. I can't find any proof that Vexx is a demon ever mentioned in any religions. I'm sorry but this sounds more like a mental health issue than a demonic one. If you truelly fear for your safety, his safety or the safety of those around you contact the doctors who dealt with him before and tell them. They'll offer you some more advice.

~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


I'll PM about that.

And I would REALLY appreciate if you could stop making fun of my name. I can't change it for you and I won't.


And I would REALLY appreciate people to stop trollin too ;) Im not making fun of it, just calling it fake *grins* Your name is not even remotely close to it, and your email shows really shady intentions. Until Im proved wrong...

Same as this entire topic. But thats just me (or is it? hah)

Also, for not showing respect, Im locking this one.

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