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New kid here (:

Started by Skyenique, November 10, 2011, 01:25:38 PM

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Hello My names Skye...I'm new here but pretty excited to join. :) Nice to meet you all :D
Is scith mo chrob on scribainn.


Ava'yorn! :-D 

If that picture in the avatar is of you, then you do look happy to be here. That sort of thing is what matters. Oh, cute wolf! hybrid? Bet he his bite isn't as cute.  :wink:

I myself have only been here so many times. I sort of wander around the internet, in search of stories, so to speak. I'm interested in people's origins and why they believe what they do.

But, I'm talking about myself again, am I? I'll pipe down.

Well, welcome to Monstrous, anyway! One of the few spots on the internet where if they yell at you, it's because they love you.  :-D
X(A+B) = (AX) + (AB). Politicize that.


Oh yeah thats me haha =P That seems to be everyone's favorite picture of me, not sure why but I guess it fits everywhere (: .
Well to be honest, we're pretty unsure what he fully is. We're told a siberian husky but if you saw other pictures you'd swear he had a little something else mixed in there (: Either way he's pretty wonderful, Never been bit by him v.v he's pretty much the definition of a "Dork" and in less you're a threat or a poor little innocent creature you are quite safe my good sir :D
I pretty much wander around reading too, I love stories, hence why the moment I came to this site it seemed really...full of information I would really enjoy taking in especially about dreams.
I'm the same way, I always LOVE reading what people believe, what they have experienced and legends and such... it's a lot more interesting then a math book and has always been an interest to me since I was a wee one. (Though I suppose I am still a wee one to most..oyye veyye). Oh good sir it is quite fine, carry on it does not bother me one bit. I am quite the chatterbox myself :D

Well since I have been here very short amount of time, I have not been yelled at and hopefully don't do too many ridiculous things to get yelled at! :'|

Is scith mo chrob on scribainn.


Welcome again.... wee one  :-D

And you will not get yelled at unless you say something that is completly false


"Help!! I was slimed by a Banshee and dont know what to do!!"

"I am a four thousand year old reptile vampire hybrid"

"Vampires sparkle!!!"

"I just laid a golden EGG!!!!"

But you seem safe to me  :-D 


Oh..... but... I DID just lay a golden egg....


All jokes aside, welcome.
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


It's all good I actually don't fall into the category of Bryan lightningbolt- and if you don't know who that is I suggest you google it. Between the beyond laughable claim of him being a vampire he's preying on young girls- and his music sucks but anyways...
Nope, I just lay normal eggs once a month. (: and thank you!
Is scith mo chrob on scribainn.


Welcome to Monstrous Sky and enjoy your stay :)


Why thank you kind lady (:
Is scith mo chrob on scribainn.

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