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Believe in Karma? Got any good stories where you feel Karma intervened?

Started by Bane Bloodfang, November 28, 2011, 04:01:53 PM

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Bane Bloodfang

After receiving news today that did cheer me up considerably I feel I ought to share as I can't stop grinning about it XD;.

As Artic knows, lil over 3 weeks ago my boyfriend of nearly 3 years dumped me. Giving me lame ass excuses like " I feel it wasn't working" " I didn't like not having you around" ( even though he asked that I come over every 3rd week as he wanted a lil space) " the distance was too far" ( 40 minutes away on the train? O_o; ) oh and my personal favourite " we're both at two differant points in our lives, I feel you're not at the same point as me- I mean, its not like we'll be getting a house together any time soon" hes 10 years older than me and has literally recently got a mortage on a flat x_x;. Later he then admitted to meeting, kissing and cuddling a chick the night before in a pub. I feel he left me for her as she was recently single though he out and out denies it. He also admitted his heart wasn't in the relationship at all and that was also why he left me. This really angered me and my Mum a it clearly showed he was using me >_>; . He said he didn't wanna lose me as a friend as we had a good friendship so i agreed to stick around as a friend.

Anywho, 2 days later he goes on a date with her after work. He claimed it was "hanging out" nah, I'm not thick it was a DATE, he doesn't ever go drinking after work on a work night- never. Just last weekend he had her over, he openly enjoyed telling me all this and it tore me up.

Now I'm a FIRM believer in Karma as is my mother and she told me, " don't you worry hun, he'll get whats coming to him. Karma will come back around to him, just you wait and see" I nonchalantly agreed, I was very depressed about the break up and the new girl- constant hurtful nightmares  :-(.

Heres what got me, just last wednesday my now ex complained to me that he had a throat infection, which then spread to his ears. He's partially deaf in one ear due to an ear infection many years ago and he's been freaking as up til now his throat infection has cleared up but his GOOD ear is completely deaf. Doctors are tryin to fix it but to no avail so far. I admit I did snigger a bit and think instantly to my Mums Karma comment. I feel bad for him but my Gods has Karma really bitten his ass  :lol:

Now TODAY I got news that my exs lil fling doesn't want to know him anymore as her partner. Her words were " I'm still in love with my ex and though I don't want to go back to him, I still don't want you anymore than as a friend". Hahaha I couldn't stop laughing when he text me that XD. He asked me what that mean't and I told him, " Hun that means, she doesn't want you and that you were just her rebound!" he simply said," oh well her loss" to which I rubbed in " well actually its yours, you've lost her and me and now youre alone!"  :-P

So yes, another successful story of Karma giving another of lifes wormholes a real kick up the ass and teaching them a good old fashioned lesson in life >:D.

Please share other amusing/successful stories of Karma serving up justice :D

~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


He said he didn't wanna lose me as a friend as we had a good friendship so i agreed to stick around as a friend.

He is a man, he only said it just in case he changes his mind and it would be good to have you there available for him. Tell him to fark of. Seriously. You dont need such friends.

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