
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Meditation Advice

Started by Moneyman, December 01, 2011, 03:27:47 PM

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I'm discontinuing my non-psychiatric drugs on doctors orders

Now, that changes a lot ;) I wish you good luck with meditation :)


I have not posted on here for quite some time, but since my article was cited I feel it necessary to do so. I have been working on an updated copy of the light overview I offered. That whole overview of meditation was completed in a short amount of time and only reflected my position. "One shoe does not fit all"  is the case with meditation and an update is in order to reflect that.

So I ask the author of this thread, do you day dream? Do you space out?

Why am I asking such odd questions? Well whether or not you realize it and choose to take this perspective, such habits could also be considered a form of meditation. You are relaxed and visualizing something. With that in mind, if such method is the way the goal is accomplished then perhaps build your technique on that catalyst. (If that is what works, use that to make your meditation more successful)

This is obviously a starting point, but if you can do this then despite any preconceived obstacles in the way (ADHD), the goal is still able to be reached.

Don't limit meditation to just sitting or lying down and closing one's eyes, starting that way will be a bore. I suggest envisioning something fun and more suited to your learning style.

What do you want to accomplish with meditation? What is the goal? How do you see your life changing with meditation?

Once you know what you want then seeking it will become easier.

I also would like to make a note that I am trying to walk a fine line between visual meditation and dreaming. I am just using dreams as a catalyst here.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Quote from: matthew321 on December 04, 2011, 08:03:54 AM
So I ask the author of this thread, do you day dream? Do you space out?

Why am I asking such odd questions? Well whether or not you realize it and choose to take this perspective, such habits could also be considered a form of meditation. You are relaxed and visualizing something. With that in mind, if such method is the way the goal is accomplished then perhaps build your technique on that catalyst. (If that is what works, use that to make your meditation more successful)

So day dreaming can be used as a form of meditation? I guess I never thought of that since I usually viewed my daydreaming as more of a problem. They usually distract me from what I'm doing and can become an unusually addictive habit. Its easy for me to just let my mind wander aimlessly from thought to thought, but it feels more like I'm doing something wasteful. But I suppose if I used my day dreams in a purposeful way, they could become a valuable asset.

What do you want to accomplish with meditation? What is the goal? How do you see your life changing with meditation?

I guess the most basic goal, for me, is ultimately mental CONTROL. Although meditation is about relaxing the mind, it also involves the development of control over ones mind, which is something I value a lot.

The more important goal I eventually have in mind is discovery. Discovery about myself, and about the things beyond myself. The things I've read about the occult, other dimensions, other-worldly beings, other levels of reality, all those things will remain just a story unless I venture forth and experience it for myself.

Once I've become proficient in basic meditation, I can hope to attempt the advanced meditation you spoke of in your article.
"When there is the infinite, there is joy. There is no joy in the finite." - The Chandogya Upanishad


As I said, daydreaming is not your obstacle. You can visualize things and do it often. Your weakness is now your strength. Use that "problem" to shape your beginning methods. Try to daydream about something in particular. Be in control of the daydream, don't let it flow without your hand. This will enhance, visualization and control. Thus, you will be building discipline which in my understanding will be the "control" you seek.

Your idle habit will then become more frequent and more easily influenced. Once you can provoke the daydreams, I would recommend closing your eyes and doing the same thing. Not, sitting or lying down, but at a desk or in a chair, the location of a normal daydream. It is still a daydream, but your eyes are closed. These are "baby steps" and if you want to try to speed the process up, feel free.

You will find you have more control then you would have previously conceived.

There is a common phrase "mind over matter", your mind can overpower your outside or inner influence to accomplish what you want.

(However,  it helps to believe in mind over matter, in order to have mind over matter work...)

Another great tactic is take 10 big breaths and exhale as much as you can. You should feel light headed.... It it about 5-10 more times after feeling light headed... Instant relaxation.

Stretching all your muscles is also a good idea, I like to do a workout before I relax... So I feel like I "deserve" it more.

Feel free to utilize my advice in any manner you see fit, this is just MY advice, not the ONLY advice. If it does not work, do not fret, you simply try something else.

(However, with such a mindset, I also get the added benefit of being unable to be wrong)
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Life's been getting pretty busy, so I haven't been able to focus on things as much as I would like to.

My ability to control day dreams is actually very powerful. When I was a kid, I used to pace or run back and forth in specific area while day dreaming of something. It was mostly a habit, and it became a pretty addictive one. I often day dream while carrying on day to day activities, in fact I'm almost always day dreaming of something. Sometimes I use it to help accomplish a task I'm doing, but usually I just day dream about something that entertains me.

I almost always day dream myself to sleep, in fact I think it might be the reason I almost never dream lucid(although that has been changing as of late). I day dream so frequently that I sometimes feel like I'm living half-asleep, reality starts to feel like a mere fantasy. Sometimes I would lie down and fantasize about something for entertainment(and it wasn't the naughty kind...usually...), much like watching movie or playing a video game.

I think I might already have the control needed to take my day dreaming to the next level. I already have times I would lie down, close my eyes, and fantasize about something deeply.

The question I have is...what is the "next level"? Can I use the fantasy as a method to commune with another intelligent being such as these spirit guardians I keep hearing about? Should I use it as a method to examine or influence my physical or astral body? Is this a path to "astral projection", or is that something different entirely? Should I use the day dream to practice "mind over matter"?

I really don't know where this is heading, or where to begin. Perhaps I'll just start by deeply fantasizing about something and perfect my abilities. I'll try and make the fantasy as vivid and realistic as possible.
"When there is the infinite, there is joy. There is no joy in the finite." - The Chandogya Upanishad

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