
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Remembering some of my past life

Started by EndOfTime, January 12, 2012, 07:06:45 PM

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When i was 14 my grandma was helping to train my powers and wanted to show me some of my past life. indeed i did see bits and part of it but I am trying to find out what it was i saw.

I havent been near my grandma or any family for a long time so i thought someone from here might be able to give me some help.

It starts like this "I am in a middle of a clearing srounded by trees and a bunch of black and brown tents scarted about. I am walking down the middle and at the front is a bunch of other witches and wizards and what not watching some at the front holding a golden Yellow ball or orb "dont really know which couldnt see that well'" when i see the orb/ball i feel angered and sickened at the sight of it and then i turn and run towards the forest's as i reach the forst a blinding light shoots out from behind me and burns through me. I then wake up or quit trying to medate on it .

The thing is anyone else remember this event or part of it and i been trying to fighre out where this place was and when .

ivy bloodsworth

It sounds like medevil times. You might have been angered or disgusted because they were abuseing the power they had? or you were witnessing a coven of evil witches.
Can't beat me. I've got the beat!


Doubt that since a couple of my past lives i partly seen also have been me as a evil person.


Quote from: EndOfTime on January 12, 2012, 07:06:45 PM
When i was 14 my grandma was helping to train my powers and wanted to show me some of my past life. indeed i did see bits and part of it but I am trying to find out what it was i saw.

I havent been near my grandma or any family for a long time so i thought someone from here might be able to give me some help.

Why would you think that a bunch of complete strangers would be able to help you with information about the supposed psychic "training" your grandma gave you when you were a kid?

Surely it would be far simpler and more reliable to go ask grandma...

ivy bloodsworth

On the contrary Jake,  she never said she was psychic. she said "my grandma was helping me to train my powers and wanted to show me some of my past life". I was simply trying to help her find which time period her past life might have taken place and what she might have been witnessing. I know i don't at all know her and i'm not a psychic, but i'm pretty experienced with this stuff.

Oh and End Of Time, you may have seemed evil in your past life, but try to keep in mind that the worst critic is our self. You may have portrade your self to be evil because of things you might have done, but you could also have been an accual evil witch perhaps a person of importants. You said that there was a golden orb?  well in Greek mythology the Titian Godess of the moon, Selene, was represented by a Golden orb. If you were an evil witch then it would make sence for you to have a golden orb! From what i know Evil witches are represented by the moon. So why stop at a Goddess of the moon when you can go to the mother of that Goddess, A Titian! Your Coven just may have worshiped the Titian Goddess Selene!
But like Jake said the only sure way to know is to ask you Grandmother. I am not a witch , or a psychic but i am an expert on mthology (almost). If this is not the case, as in it doesn't agree with your Grandma, then bummer, i tried.  but i'd still like to know how your journey goes.
   In one of my dreams i had dicovered that in my past life i was a female spy. I know how i died too. the year was 1901. (I know this because of the worldly things that were happening) I don't remember much of my life but i would guess that  i was about 27 when i was murdered. I had been discovered as a Russian  spy  so i was running away though the woods. i could not see my  pursuers but they were bad news. i would estimate i was about 18 when this happened, no i didn't die then i had escaped. i retired at 20 after earning lots of money from my boss. I had a family of my own and a super hot husband!  It was durring the winter that they came. they broke down the door and imeadiatly  murdered my innosent childern and husband. I fled as they burned the house and everything i held dear. I ran and ran they were following me  wanting to end my life too. I looked behind me and triped on a log wedgeing it in a hole, probably created by an animal of some sort, the prusuers caught up to me their faces were blurry, they laughed at me and took their sweet time  killing me just as i had done to my victums.
   All of this information has been brought together in my head though several different dreams. i've done alot of thinking over this and decided that i probably deserved to die. though i think the least they could have done was leave my family in peace, they had nothing to do with what i had done....
  Any way ant other help i can give ya, just let me know! :-)
Can't beat me. I've got the beat!



Quote from: ivy bloodsworth on January 16, 2012, 11:09:35 PM
i'm pretty experienced with this stuff.


Quote from: ivy bloodsworth on January 16, 2012, 11:09:35 PM
in Greek mythology the Titian Godess of the moon, Selene, was represented by a Golden orb. If you were an evil witch then it would make sence for you to have a golden orb! From what i know Evil witches are represented by the moon. So why stop at a Goddess of the moon when you can go to the mother of that Goddess, A Titian! Your Coven just may have worshiped the Titian Goddess Selene!

Titan. Titian was a Venetian painter.

Quote from: ivy bloodsworth on January 16, 2012, 11:09:35 PM
In one of my dreams i had dicovered that in my past life i was a female spy.

A "dream" is not evidence of reincarnation...

Quote from: ivy bloodsworth on January 16, 2012, 11:09:35 PM
I know how i died too. the year was 1901. (I know this because of the worldly things that were happening)

What worldly things?

Quote from: ivy bloodsworth on January 16, 2012, 11:09:35 PM
I had been discovered as a Russian  spy  so i was running away though the woods.

By whom? What nationality were you? What country did this happen in?

ivy bloodsworth

Jake you asked how i was pretty experienced with Mythology type of things,  despite my age (cause im kinda young) i've studied for years eversince i got interested when i was 8, and besides the 60's though 80's the medevil time period is my favorite.And also i have a friend who's psychic she helps me out some times.  i keep a journal of all the things i know and what i learn.
Oh thank you for correcting my spelling, i'm not very good at that.
i know that a dream is not evidence of a past life and i told you that i'm not phychic.
You also asked what worldly things were takeing place, there was Queen victorias funeral,and 34-35°N/98-99°W open for US colonization, i know these were not in Russia, but these were the things that gave the time period away.
Its pretty obeous that i was russian, i guess i was in England. The people were pretty upset about their queens death, so yeah. The  people who were chaseing me were probably убийцы as i would have said. or in other words assassins.

Oh and Nina if i were russian i would tell you идти язвить в другом месте, which means go be sarcastic somewhere else. No offence but your getting on my nerves!
Can't beat me. I've got the beat!


Luckily I know how to read russian. Luckily, the feeling is mutual. Be aware of your behavior, it isnt advised to show hostility to older members cause they dont buy your or someone elses sack of candy. If the obvious fact that an 18. old wouldnt be a spy, maybe a messenger, but thats tops, makes you nervous... then hunni, you got a problem :)

ps: also, using google translator to show how you indeed know Russian, doesnt give u credibility in my book :)
      I know how to translate to Hebrew and Chinese, but that doesnt make me Salome or Sun Tzu ;)


i agree with that one person near the top. they were probably evil, and when the blinding light thing happened, they were probably attacking you and it was a spell or something. might even have been how you died in your past life.


1 I am a Male 2 i am not near any of my family.3 Most of the time when i dream it is only of my past lives due to the fact most of my family is well versed in magic and since i dont have any way to contact them i have left with little to no way to try to figure out why i keep haveing this dream of my past life over and over.

Also i am under no stress i do deal in darker magics and things better left out of this world. But this dream bugs me to no end.
The only thing i can remember is  my grandma saying it was a orb used a long time ago to rid the world of evil.  But the main reason is either i cant stop myself from dreaming of this or my mind wont allow me to stop dreaming of my past lives which to me is a pain since i need my rest and when i dream any cuts or harm that is inflected on me in them appear on my body when i wake up.


They dont have to necessarily be dreams of your past lives. Dreams can be manipulated. Also, how are you so sure most of your family is well versed in magic if you have no way to contact them? Why is this, also? Could you please describe the cuts and bruises, if possible maybe even post pictures of them?


The reason i know most of my family is well versed is cause there my dad my grandma my mom a few grandpas and what not i used to pratace around when i was young . Also i don't got a camra to post the pics up.

1 other thing is i don't dream loads cause like i said i get hurt in them i found a way to sleep to block myself from haveing dreams but every now and then i do dream. If i can find a camra that goes with my computer that's cheap and i have 1 of those dreams ill be sure to post it

How i know their from a my past live's is cause My grandma showed me how to tap into my past lives and since then i went on my own and now i am stuck with this dreaming about them with almost no way to control them except to force myself into a deep sleep and by deep i mean like the dead once i hit my pillow i don't get woken up for anything if i don't do this i dream and that's when it happen's. I have bene looking for a tutor for myself someone near me to help but no luck so far i been told i need to find my grandma since she was the 1 who showed me my power and was training me .

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