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Natural medicine

Started by Jake, January 22, 2012, 12:13:26 PM

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I don't care what the quacks say about "water memory" or "spiritual energy" - no way would I date a girl who told me that she'd taken a homeopathic remedy to "cure" her STD...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Lmao! And what about "all is in mind"? ahahaha


Hmmm...i thought this was about a different "natural remedy" but really there are so many natural remedies that can cure most anything and so many more undiscovered that have been used to cure many ailments through the existance of humanity. I don't know about amethyst stopping drunkenness however...that's never worked for me, but others do keep me, calm.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


The thing with natural medicine is that all the ones that work are now being used by doctors and are just named medicine now.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Article on BBC news today about natural medicine in Wales between 1600 and 1750.

Skin of dead puppies - Used in an ointment for the skin.
Oils of swallows - used for "shrunken sinews" (withered limbs).
Juice of snails - were dropped into eyes for eye conditions.
Earth worms - held to boils to heal them.
Calves lung water (a remedy made from calves lung, garden snails, milk, eggs and nutmeg) - drunk for tuberculosis.
Halved cockerel, including guts and feathers - held over an adder bite for seven to eight hours, followed by giving a patient treacle to keep the poison from the heart.


Lol, nice example of how science and medicine CHANGE with age *grins* I bet those were remedies of approved big shots that had published deeds.

Couldnt resist ;)

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