
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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So I was passing this charity shop when...

Started by Bane Bloodfang, March 14, 2012, 12:59:17 PM

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Bane Bloodfang

I happened to noticed this GORGEOUS book staring at me from the window display.

Compelled to go in investigate further I decided to buy it at a bargain price of £2.50. After a short discussion with the kind old women in the store we discovered it is infact 96 years old. Intrigued by this information and the cover title I read part of it as soon as I got home. Its full of traditional folklore, fairytales and stories about the fae. It even has ( so far) a recipe in it for a fairy philtre. Judging on the contents page there maybe atleast another 2 recipes in :)

Quite a find I gotta say, its definately my best to date! I'll keep you guys informed on whether theres any other fun recipes and stories inside.
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


I would love to hear more, and even See some of the recipes. I doubt I would be able to find that book Here.

crystal swan

these recipes are not to be messed with unless you  are completely for sure you can handle the out come

crystal swan

If you are up to a safe recipe try this

-12 dried rose buds
-3 leaves of mint
-32 drops of rain water
-12 morning glories
-14 blades of grass

grind the rose buds, mint leaves, morning glories, & grass blades in to a thick paste.  When done mix in to the rain water and drink.

this will help week immune systems


That is fantastic Bane. A great find. I'm jealous.

Also for those interested, Ernest Rhys was a writer of popular fairy tales. He had a passion for the old British fairy legends. His books are all available on Amazon (including this one) but not in such a beautiful classic cover.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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