
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Shadow on Porch

Started by banshee72, March 27, 2012, 08:32:41 PM

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OMG about a couple of weeks ago my husband and I were at a friend's house., Jeff (my husband) and his friend Chris saw something Unexplainable. Ok let me explain the set up of the house first. The couch is close to the door that leads out on the pouch. It's one of these inside pouches . And when you look out the door way and see the porch from inside the living room.. It has one of those fancy curtains that is kinds see through has fancy holes in it covering the window looking out. You can see out that window sitting on the couch.

Okay here is what happened. We were all siting on the couch and for some reason we looked out the window and all three of us saw a Black figure walk across the window so did Jeff..I saw too And it looked like someone walked by the window and we all saw it. Chris freaked out and ran to the door to see who was on the porch but no one was there!!! We didn't even hear foot steps or anything we just saw this human dark figure, Crazy aint it? I am so glad I was not the only one to see it lol. two other people had thought they saw it too so that's a good thing lol

My friends said they have never experienced anything like that before in that house before except for last night.


"Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!"

"Reality is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't love to live there"

I LOVE MY HUBBY! Married: Oct, 30, 2009

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