
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Was I visited by an alien?

Started by banshee72, March 28, 2012, 10:46:53 AM

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Totally agree, most paranormal phenomenon: fairies, aliens, ghosts may have in fact the same origin. We must adopt the skeptic attitude until we get hard facts that can be considered as PROOFS.  Nina thinks the world is taken over by giant lizards, I do believe they are rats in fact ;)
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


QuoteNina thinks the world is taken over by giant lizards


no she doesnt, they are actually mean spaghetti folks from planet of Tomatia :P

@Jake: it wasnt sleep paralysis, i was wide awake, sat on my bed and watched them float around me. Paralysis only came after they made contact (talk).

Doctors here are unable to notice anything out of the ordinary except some minor things that can be attached to pure fluke of nature, and unfortunately, i cannot afford traveling to the Institute in Switzerland that is specialized in UFO abductions. Wow, imagine that, entire Institute of doctors and professors that actually DO believe ;) I would soooo enjoy being present to you talking to them about the subject ;)

Now please excuse me, im going back to my gardening :)


Quote from: Nina on April 12, 2012, 08:39:59 AM
...the Institute in Switzerland that is specialized in UFO abductions. Wow, imagine that, entire Institute of doctors and professors that actually DO believe ;) I would soooo enjoy being present to you talking to them about the subject ;)...

I also would find that very enjoyable.

Who is this "institute of doctors and professors" by the way? Or is it just the Raelians or the von Däniken people?

Regarding your other comment,

Susceptible people experience the sleep paralysis (when they are semi-conscious yet incapable of moving) and sometimes hallucinate so vividly they genuinely believe they are victims of a supernatural event, Richard McNally, professor of psychology at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver.  His study of people claiming they had been kidnapped by aliens found all had suffered sleep paralysis combined with "hypnopompic hallucinations", when vivid, wakening dreams of intruders, flashing lights and an alien presence can seem real.

The same psychological phenomenon can also explain other supernatural beliefs.  "It is part of believing in ghosts," Professor McNally said.  "In Newfoundland it's called being visited by the old hag, in the southern United States its being ridden by the witch, in Europe in the Middle Ages it was the incubus and the succubus, agents of the devil.  In Cambridge, Massachusetts, it's space aliens."

Ten adults convinced they were alien abductees were asked to relive their experiences which were taped and played back to them while they were monitored for stress.  They were compared with ordinary people who said they had never been abducted and another group who had suffered from a genuine experience and been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.  Heart rates, skin sweat levels and other signs of stress were similar to those of the alien abductees, Professor McNally said.  The type of people likely to believe in alien abduction have common patterns that Professor McNally called a "recipe" for an alien abductee.  "First, most had New-Age beliefs, [and] they were not only more open to alien visitation, they are interested in astral projection, tarot cards, telling the future, bioenergetic therapies and so forth.

"Second, they scored high on absorption, a trait associated with fantasy proneness and vivid imagery.  Third, and crucially, they had episodes of apparent sleep paralysis accompanied by hypnopompic – upon waking – hallucinations," Professor McNally said.  "Sleep paralysis occurs in about 30% of the population and about 5% of people will have the paralysis plus the hallucinations.  It can be a terrifying experience."


I know what sleep paralysis is. :)

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