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What does dreaming about babies and aliens..

Started by banshee72, March 29, 2012, 04:51:58 AM

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Almost every time I dream about a baby there are aliens or ufos in it and every time I dream of aliens or UFOs I dream of a baby at the same time as well. I was just wondering what this could mean...any thoughts? Feel free to ask more questions if you need too. Thanks. 

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Well there are some individuals who believe that aliens do exist (on earth). They are making their own seed line of "Hybrids" (part human, part alien). In an attempt to "evolve" the human race.

So the baby is one of the "seed line" and is a "hybrid" of these aliens.

That is one interpretation of the dream, how that applies to you; I won't put answers in your mouth.

I am not saying I do or do not believe this, just an interpretation.
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