
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Need help with unfamiliar entity/demon/creature that eats human inside

Started by ghazee, May 07, 2012, 09:57:51 PM

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Subject: Need help with unfamiliar entity/paranormal_creature that eats its human inside.

Location: Tioman Island<-Rompin<-Pahang<-Peninsular Malaysia<-Malaysia<-Southeast Asia<-Asia<-Planet Earth.

Background Story/ Information:

A few days ago  a best friend (male) of mine came to me asking for help. He told me that it started a few month past when he had vivid dream for 3 nights in a row. In the dream an entity/demon/creature(in gassy formed) appear in his dream asking him to give up 1 of his 4 sisters. He (my friend) said that it (entity/demon/creature) wants to eat 1 of them. At first at the I myself don't understand and He told me the another story related to his late mother.

His mother die around five years ago, his mother was sick for almost a year until she died. In the period of that one his mother's the figure of his mother decrease until she was almost skeleton. He told me that when they did an autopsy of his mother, the internal organ was mostly gone (due to the request of his family, the death of his mother was rule out as heart attack).

So in very last dream he replied no. It started to get aggressive against my friend, like causing unnatural/unexplained illnesses, making a clean cut through a mug, causing him to wakeup suddenly in the middle of the night, causing him to talk in his dream/sleep waking, making people became mad suddenly, making noises for difference places, making a room really hot, appearing as someone else and etc.

He all ready confronted his family on this issues and none can explain or give a reason for it. So that why he came to me for help. So i hope someone can help me and really sorry for the bad english (english is not my prime language). Thank you for taking time to read this.


They all eat you from the inside, they start with your dreams, go on to your sanity, destroy any love or goodness around you and leave you a less than human husk that lives only to feed them.

these things don't just pop up uninvited though and until he figures out why and what it is exactly while continuing to resist it'll eventually exhaust itself from beating it's head against the wall of the soul and move on to something easier.  if it senses any wavering of the human will it will keep pickingg at that point until it shatters.  All we can do here is advise from our own experiences,  but ultimately a person has to find the strength to rid themselves of the demons and if they don't have it in them, then it's up to them to find what will give them the power to resist.

you're only powerless if you believe you are.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


sounds like just a special kind of demon to me. Ill be back with the "solution" to this "problem".
It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information.
Oscar Wilde


Quote from: ghazee on May 07, 2012, 09:57:51 PM
He told me that it started...
He said that it...
He told me another story...
He told me that when...

1. So this is a second hand account that you are giving us? The problem with these type of accounts is that we have no way of objectively analysing them even when reported first hand; and given the propensity of people, unconsciously or otherwise, to often exaggerate, conflate or edit stories when re-telling them, your narrative becomes even less useful.
2. Even assuming that you have not altered the narrative in any way, what basis do you have for believing him? Just because somebody says something doesn't make it so. We have no way of ascertaining your reliability, never mind the third person.

Quote from: ghazee on May 07, 2012, 09:57:51 PM
his mother was sick for almost a year until she died. In the period of that one his mother's the figure of his mother decrease until she was almost skeleton. He told me that when they did an autopsy of his mother, the internal organ was mostly gone (due to the request of his family, the death of his mother was rule out as heart attack).

1. Are you stating that the pathologist/coroner did not record the mother's cause of death based upon the medical findings, but instead were told to record something else as instructed by the family? I would have thought that was illegal in most countries, including Malaysia.
2. Where was this autopsy carried out? Is there even a hospital on Tioman Island, or is it still just the doctor's clinic in Tekek Village?
3. With a population of what? 500 maximum? why wasn't this suspicious and supernatural death widely known and so ultimately widely reported in the rest of Malaysia?
4. Cancer often causes such significant weight loss and tumours can spread to all internal organs. But your description of the organs being "mostly gone" does not make sense. Assuming, that is, that you mean to say the organs had been "eaten", rather than damaged by tumours and ravaged by sytemic organ failure. This would indicate that you are describing a singular event that differs from the established Laws of Nature. As David Hume elegantly explained in 1748, the Laws of Nature are codified as a result of past experiences. Therefore you describe a violation of all prior experience. However the probability that something has occurred in contradiction of all past experience should always be judged to be less than the probability that either your senses have deceived you or the person recounting the occurrence is lying or mistaken.

The dearth of any objective evidence here would lead me to dismiss this as one or another's tall tale.


I think gahzee meant that the coroner was going to write her death off as a heart attack until the family asked him to look into it properly. This in itself is odd as it sounds like, while a heart attack may have been what killed her, the cause of the attack was very strange and this should have been obvious.

I am, however, heavily inclined to agree that this story is at least mostly untrue. Your friend is probably trying to make sense of and come to terms with the death of a close family member. It can take many years for these emotions to surface, which may be while this is all coming out now. It sounds to me like they have concucted a story to help them cope/understand. The best thing you can do is to be there for them and ensure they get the comfort and attention they need.


There's nothing weird about her death, families asking for a cause of death to be changed into something less sinister suggests the famiy had more face to save, my daughters father died from alcholism, at thirty years old he was just a husk, it started with brain shrinking and worked it's way down to finally in the last week of his life he was hallucinating, his liver and kidneys shut down and all his internal organs were, seriously messed up.  My dad's going through it now, once six five he's now a little under six feet, he can't feel pain, his shoulders puff up, he gets a sticky film on his hands and being clinically punch drunk, even his brain is about ten percent the size it should be.  His mom died from ephysema and closet alcholism, same symptoms, except her voice was the first to go, her husband died at ninety eight, life long drinker and onery to the end.  My mother's father died at forty from a "heart attack" he was a chicago business man in the twenties that ate a lot of rich food, drank heavily and enjoyed fine cigars...his wife died at almost eighty, wasted away to nothing but at eighty there was nothing weird about her passing/ However my one time necromancer big brother dying from a fall off a cliff 130 yards down into a bunch of trees and my oldest sister dying young in a car accident with her only two children, leaving just me and my two full blooded siblings as the only descendents left of that line with awful luck in love and relationships?  could be weird, they both died before 30 and we're the only ones with living children left.

His family did deal with weird spiritual stuff and my dad was the one that assigned me my first spirit at twelve, gave me ceremonial magick  books to read and told me amazing stories about ghosts and spirits while reading my tarot cards before bed...alcholism, poor relationship choices and a wild lifestyle are our family devils, spiritually...they're powerless, if you don't let them in. However families wanting the truth of a death being recorded as a natural cause like a heart attack would be easily construed to save face, especially if the family has some status in their society.

without more information that can't be dismissed as a family covering up something as usual as alcholism or even a more unusual disease is nothing new...there's just not enough weird stuff going on to say it's anything else than has been suggested as being naturally derived from age and environment.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

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