
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Long time reader

Started by 6The1Circle6, June 05, 2012, 11:41:37 AM

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I've been reading Monstrous and occasionally the forums now for quite a while and decided that I may as well throw hat in as well! I don't think I'm a Werwolf or a Vampire or some other creature from my own imagination, I'm just an English lad with a nice logical mind but a fascination of the occult, mysteries and the paranormal. It doesn't consume my life, I go outside and have hobbies, but the paranormal is my secret guilty pleasure. :)

I tend to approach things from a purely practical and logical perspective. I would say I'm open minded, but to me being open minded doesn't mean that you're willing to believe in any old nonsensical garbage just because "there's a possibility that it might be true!"

Okay, so until we know everything we can't rule out anything, sure, but we don't need to be morons in the meantime, aye?

Anyway, hopefully I'll make some contributions to the forum and look forward to seeing y'all around!


We always appreciate a sober mind ;)

Welcome :)

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