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Rock 'n Roll Cemetery

Started by markml0528, June 24, 2012, 01:12:52 AM

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I just got back from this cemetery.

The results?  Inconclusive. 

I brought several things.  I brought a Ouija board, a spare phone battery, a flashlight, and two candles.  The original plan was to use the Ouija board outside the cemetery.  I stepped out of my vehicle and made the announcement to the "entities".  "I'm going to use this Ouija board, because I honestly have no clue if you're real or not.  So if you are please come here so I can talk to you".  Then I heard a branch snap and I dropped the Ouija board and ran in my car.  I stayed in my car and pointed the flashlight and looked around.  Then I saw on the side mirrors of my car, headlights coming around the corner from a vehicle.  I thought it was the police.  It was actually two vehicles, they pulled up right next to me and almost ran over my Ouija board that I had left outside earlier.  I got out of the car and greeted them, I asked if I could join them, most of them didn't pay attention to me except one who said "I don't care" and I asked what they were doing and he said that this girl's mom is an expert on ghosts and supernatural stuff.  It was this lady that was like 50, she was the mother of this one girl that was there.  She said some prayer that went something like "Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you forgive our past sins and protect us from all evil as we enter this cemetery.  Amen".  So we entered and followed her because to be honest, I thought it was a very strange coincidence that these people had shown up just 15 minutes after I had arrived on a random night like this one.  Well, we did a lot of walking around, we were all advised NOT to step on any graves at all.  It would be a major insult to the dead she said.  But, a lot of people either from accident or because there was a lot of graves, we all stepped on at least a few.  A few of them got scared very easily saying "Oh my gosh, what was that sound?", or "Hey!  I saw something move!", etc.  There was about 9 in their 20s, and one of them was the mom who was like 50. 

I did see one thing, that made me scratch my head.  I saw this white light object fly quickly from one end of the cemetery to another part. It was quite a lengthy dash.  No one else saw it.  My best guess is it was a bat or a bird of some sort.  Possibly the flash from one of the other people's cameras caused the eyes to glow. 

Using google maps, I placed the distance points as accurately as I can remember them to determine the distance it traveled by my best subjective measurement of the time that passed.  According to google maps, the distance was roughly 130 feet.  If it traveled that distance in one second, it's speed was roughly 88.6 mph.  The problem is my measurement of time, if I'm off by just 500 milliseconds, the speed drops to 59.09 miles per hour.  At 2 seconds, the speed becomes 44.3 mph.  I imagine the first speed might be a little out of reach for most birds in my area, which makes me think I miscalculated the time which is fairly likely.  The second two slower speeds are within the capabilities of a bird or owl or maybe even a bat.  Someone want to double check?   

I will definitely be returning to this cemetery soon, although alone, to rule out variables and to increase the likelihood of something happening because ghosts and demons can more easily target one person versus a group of 10 people.  I will also be using my Ouija board this time.  Hopefully tomorrow night. 

By the way, here is a link to the cemetery.  It's the little rectangle square all by itself in the woods.,-88.805172&spn=0.013118,0.022724&t=h&z=16&vector=1


Quote from: markml0528 on June 24, 2012, 01:12:52 AM
I did see one thing, that made me scratch my head.  I saw this white light object fly quickly from one end of the cemetery to another part. It was quite a lengthy dash.  No one else saw it.  My best guess is it was a bat or a bird of some sort.  Possibly the flash from one of the other people's cameras caused the eyes to glow. 

Using google maps, I placed the distance points as accurately as I can remember them to determine the distance it traveled by my best subjective measurement of the time that passed.  According to google maps, the distance was roughly 130 feet.  If it traveled that distance in one second, it's speed was roughly 88.6 mph.  The problem is my measurement of time, if I'm off by just 500 milliseconds, the speed drops to 59.09 miles per hour.  At 2 seconds, the speed becomes 44.3 mph.  I imagine the first speed might be a little out of reach for most birds in my area, which makes me think I miscalculated the time which is fairly likely.  The second two slower speeds are within the capabilities of a bird or owl or maybe even a bat.

Given that you only observed the phenomena for a second or two, I'm intrigued as to how you were able to make accurate depth perception, at night, in unfamiliar surroundings, of the "object" (size and origin unknown.) Without knowing precisely where that object was in the 3d environment, any estimate of distance travelled/velocity is meaningless.

It's dark, people are using flashlights and camera flashes. "No one else saw it."

My best guess is that it was some type of entoptic phenomenon going on within your eye.


I have to agree, what you saw sounds like entropic phenomenon caused by the contrasts in light.

Let us know how the second visit goes though!


I observed it for a second or two in the 1 o'clock area in front of me.  I was not turning my head and then happened to see it.  Since my eyes didn't really need much time, if any, to focus, I would say that my depth perception was accurate.  And it was not unfamiliar at this point, we had already done probably two or so laps around the cemetery.  I believe I have a good estimate on the distance and location in which it traveled, the major flaw in my calculations comes in my measurement of time. 

While an entoptic phenomena is possible, and maybe even likely, I think the possibility that it was a bird or some sort of flying animal is more likely.  Regardless, none of us including myself, are anywhere near convinced it was anything supernatural. 

As for the next visit.  I went with my brother that night to the cemetery.  He wouldn't turn off the flashlight >.<
He was afraid some man was going to come out of the forest and attack us.  We didn't enter the cemetery, we only stayed for about 20 minutes, just outside the gate of the cemetery.  I used my ouija board for 5 minutes, but then a car pulled up and we decided to leave.  We didn't see anything, and the ouija board didn't work. 

Then, two nights ago, I went there again with my dad and my younger brother who is 7.  We walked around the cemetery, we stayed there for 1 hour and 30 minutes.  We asked them multiple times to give us a sign they were present, but we never got any response.  I even brought my ouija board into the cemetery and started asking questions.  I did it both alone, with my dad, and with all three of us.  It never moved.  We left at that point.  We saw nothing throughout the entire stay.  I might go a few more times, after that I'll give up on that place. 

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