
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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jokes and stories

Started by white fang, June 30, 2012, 01:26:33 PM

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white fang

This topic is for any jokes or funny stories you want to tell.Heres one to start with.

Theres 3 men,Shutup Crap,and Manners.Crap fell out of the car, Manners went to go get him and Shutup got pulled over by the police.The police man asked,
   "Sir whats your name?"
   "Sir whats your name?"
   "Sir weres your manners?"
   "Going to get Crap."
We are all brothers under the skin,
       and i'm willing to skin all of humanity to
                             prove it.


hey white fang i love that joke i know a nether vershon but it is just like the one you made.
Black is the apsence of color of light,and life.It is powerful only because it must balance out white whitch holds every color itslef.

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