
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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ARGH! Sweet mother of mercy D:

Started by Bane Bloodfang, July 09, 2012, 11:31:12 AM

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Bane Bloodfang

Damnit why does sticking salt on mouth ulcers produce such a world of paaaain? DX

I'd take a papercut over this any day! D;

So... In your opinion whats the worst owwie you can get? 8]
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


Accidentally kicking furniture or stepping on Lego bricks  :cry:
you are what you think you are,
what you feel you are, and
most importantly who you tell yourself you are.
so think think positive.
life's to short for negative thinking.
all wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers

Bane Bloodfang

Oh man yeah, especially catching -just- your lil toe on it. Just remembered another good one, stepping on a plug  :cry:
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


Waking up to a leg cramp  :?  :cry:

Walking into lamp posts  :oops:

Falling into a bunch of nettles  :roll:

you are what you think you are,
what you feel you are, and
most importantly who you tell yourself you are.
so think think positive.
life's to short for negative thinking.
all wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers

Bane Bloodfang

Cramps are EVIL. Pure EVIL

Falling into nettles and walking into lamp posts?  :roll:  :roll: probably something I'd do after a few beers  :laugh:
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


accidentaly cutting your finger when peeling/dicing vegies...owwwie
Learn to see with  ur heart...not brain.
See the bright side of the dark side...

Bane Bloodfang

Quote from: vampiric_black_demon on July 10, 2012, 09:10:53 AM
accidentaly cutting your finger when peeling/dicing vegies...owwwie

I cut my finger on a peeler when I was about 11... I actually had a lil fear of peelers for a short while after that  :roll:
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


A cut on the finger that seals up with the top skin only, leaving a painful blister you have to reopen and squeeze until the bright blood comes out, after the dead white cells and dirty, dead blackish blood that can cause serious infection is drained away. 

two pains for the slice of one.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


My German Shepherd trying to eat my hand while I sleep. (I tell you, he's out to get me!)  :|

My human appearance is just a shell for my wolf soul to  occupy...


pins and needles
bashing your funny bone
poking yourself in the eye
stomping the ground after you miscounted steps and expected one more
and vice versa slipping on the edge of steps going up
dropping an xbox on your foot (or any heavy object for that matter)
getting shampoo in your eye
you are what you think you are,
what you feel you are, and
most importantly who you tell yourself you are.
so think think positive.
life's to short for negative thinking.
all wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers


When the draft catches me, i am awfully sensible to it, it gets me the most horrible pain (and i gave birth so i know the pain), the pain that stretches from my back, to my shoulder, through my neck to the ear and eye.... I really gotta be careful of it or else... ugh.... thank Lord for painkillers xD

just happened two nights ago and it caught me with no pills in storage.... had to wait for the morning... ugh.... i dont wish it to no one

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