
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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I am new here

Started by Iamamonster, July 19, 2012, 10:36:20 PM

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I'm new here, so hello everyone
I am the legend, I am the myth, I am the monster


What a face can mask shines brightly in my eyes.


cool, I've been looking around the site and found it interesting
I am the legend, I am the myth, I am the monster


Likewise, not found much on my kind though. Ah well.
What a face can mask shines brightly in my eyes.


I think the most relevant things about psychic vampirism have been if not widely explain, then at least touched in the Blood Track. Im pretty much sure you haven't read all 90655 posts here :)


I think there really should be a separate section for Psychic vampyres and Blood vampyres, so people know exactly where to go, I think that would help a lot...
What a face can mask shines brightly in my eyes.


So far it hasn't created any problem, but it is a good idea, one to be considered ;) Tnx


I am the legend, I am the myth, I am the monster

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