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Psychic Vampyre Chat

Started by BlazeEyes, July 21, 2012, 11:07:44 AM

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Hey, so I've seen various forums about psychic vampyres, and all of them seem to be people asking what they are, but I have so far found nowhere where I have met another Psychic (other than myself). So I'm making this so Psychics can get together and, about problems or questions or whatever, and we can help each other if need be. Otherwise, it's just nice to talk to someone else who understands :)

I know quite a bit about it, but I'm no expert, so if you have questions I'll try my best to answer them :)

Anyways, hey!
What a face can mask shines brightly in my eyes.


Hello again, now i see the answer to my own question from the last topic. I advise you to search through this forum history topics, in the Blood Track. Im sure you will find a lot of interesting stuff about psychic vamps ;) And also meet our vamp mod Angelus. Im sure you will fit right in ;)


Thank you, I will certainly have a look around :)
What a face can mask shines brightly in my eyes.


That is good, cause Im sure you will find some rather interesting things :)


Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Well, I'm a half vampire half werewolf, though i believe I possess some physic ability,
So your not alone!
*high fives*
Without my Romeo <3


" Be not afriad of the darkness but embrace the beauty of the night"

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