
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Started by lightwater, August 02, 2012, 05:17:11 PM

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I'm just trying to get attention here, now for my question, HOW TO BECOME A WEREWOLF!!!!
I'll do whatever it takes!!! Why I want to be one? Well sit down and let me tell you a story.
My life is just plain boring, no thrills, no chills, and I am just so sad :-(. it's not just because Im bored with life it's my passion for werewolves. When I wake up in the morning the only thing that gets me going is the thought of being one :-D I pretty much think about it ALL DAY!!! And sometimes I dream about being one. So if there is someone out there, please read and respond, that would be a blessing. Thank you for taking the time to read,
The lone wolf,
The lone wolf,



As someone who has never seen anyone transform into a werewolf in real life, I would just recommend that you acquire skills in lucid dreaming. Now, not only would you dream you were a werewolf, you would furthermore have CONTROL of said dream!  :-)

Lucid dreaming may also solve your boredom issue.  :wink:

As for becoming one in real life... I imagine there are some who would be willing to part with the "secret" for a paltry sum of $200 in cash, paid in full, no refunds! :?

Ehh, just be careful what you get into... and welcome to this forum!

X(A+B) = (AX) + (AB). Politicize that.


ANOTHER "I WANT TO BE A WEREWOLF" POST! look, youre either a werewolf or not. you need to be born that way!
"We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your destiny" -Sovereign


Quote from: sovereign234 on August 03, 2012, 10:05:03 AM
ANOTHER "I WANT TO BE A WEREWOLF" POST! look, youre either a werewolf or not. you need to be born that way!

I'm going to have to disagree with this...shaman have been taking on spirit forms of animals for thousands of years before werewolves were even a popular myth, look into animism, the original root of all spiritual beliefs.

that's like saying you're either born a witch or you're we're all from the earth we all have access to the various energies around us and while some may have a more natural attunement or overly blessed with ties to the earth, anyone can achieve these skills with study, practice and mental focus.

but, these are the reasons why i stay away from the were forums and such...i don't agree with the "you're born that way or you're not" it's silly making myths elitist.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Quote from: TheCopperDragon on August 02, 2012, 08:10:19 PM

As someone who has never seen anyone transform into a werewolf in real life, I would just recommend that you acquire skills in lucid dreaming. Now, not only would you dream you were a werewolf, you would furthermore have CONTROL of said dream!  :-)

Lucid dreaming may also solve your boredom issue.  :wink:

As for becoming one in real life... I imagine there are some who would be willing to part with the "secret" for a paltry sum of $200 in cash, paid in full, no refunds! :?

Ehh, just be careful what you get into... and welcome to this forum!

actually, there's a guy offering a whole lot more than a few hundred dollars for proof of the supernatural, to my knowledge he has yet to pay anyone.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


well i'll say this, short of being bitten by a wolf, or werewolf, the best way to experience lycanthropy is through the use of the poisonous hallucinogenic plant known as deadly nightshade or belladonna
ut supra, ita infra


Well, thank you all for responding it means a lot :-D, but for now I'll just wait. Btw where can I find this plant deadly nightshade? But thanks anyway, oh and Copperdragon I'll will try lucid dreaming so thanks :-D. Odds are that I'll never be a werewolf, but a guy can dream cant he? :-D

The lone wolf,
The lone wolf,


it grows in most countries with a moderate climate, like in europe and north's a link to some info;    i warn you though, it is extremely poisonous and if you try using it you may cause permanent damage to you body and mind.
ut supra, ita infra


Thanks for the link,but really, a poisonous plant that turns you into a werewolf? Why don't I just kill myself :?. Wiki says its one of the most poisonous plants in the western hemisphere! But thanks anyway.

The lone wolf,
The lone wolf,


it is, thats why i said i wouldn't advise anyone to try it.....unless they've any experiance dealing with poisons. however it does have a long association with lycanthropy. that is the only reason i mentioned it
ut supra, ita infra


"ANOTHER "I WANT TO BE A WEREWOLF" POST! look, youre either a werewolf or not. you need to be born that way!

I'm going to have to disagree with this...shaman have been taking on spirit forms of animals for thousands of years before werewolves were even a popular myth, look into animism, the original root of all spiritual beliefs.

that's like saying you're either born a witch or you're we're all from the earth we all have access to the various energies around us and while some may have a more natural attunement or overly blessed with ties to the earth, anyone can achieve these skills with study, practice and mental focus.

but, these are the reasons why i stay away from the were forums and such...i don't agree with the "you're born that way or you're not" it's silly making myths elitist."

id have to agree ive looked into this subject for a while and ive found that alot of the time its tribes sucluded in forests or hidden close to a town that either have the gene in them but alot of them are indeed shaman
forever drowning in a daydream

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