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Strange things

Started by lightwater, August 08, 2012, 10:53:47 AM

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A lot of strange things have been happening for the past few weeks, like I have had something like a "sense" that alerts me when I am in danger.If you read my last topic you'll know I've always wanted to be a werewolf, but strange things have been happening, and I wonder to myself...
Please help and leave a comment :-D thanks,

The lone wolf,
The lone wolf,


i dont know about you n what is going on in your life but i just wanna say that i am 17 n a year ago strange things started happening to me n now i am a psychic vampire and moreover i can control me it should be happy with what you are.i have become some kinda demon.but if things are happening to you consult someone who is expert.i can't help you that much because i am still learning all this.
I can see every monster as they come in.

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