
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Santa Claus

Started by Angelus, January 04, 2013, 08:10:06 AM

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Ok folks. Christmas has passed us by and left us with that back-to-work depression. But we here at monstrous have been left with a perplexing and confusing problem. On December the 24th, every year, just after sunset, continuing through to sunrise the next day, there are more sightings of one mythical creature made in this night than Bigfoot all year. More folklore and tales exist about this annual Fae-Man than the Chupacabra or the Loch Ness Monster and just like Dracula, he has a real life historical counterpart.

I am of course talking about the jolly fat man himself, Santa Claus. But how many paranormal researchers have paused to think, "Is he real?". None! Why? Because we made him up! We buy the gifts. We then present them to the child under the pretence that the were brought, through the night, by a magical man named Santa, who loves all the children of the world so much he brings gifts to all the good ones and a lump of coal for the bad ones.

But, your child may say, "Yes, I seen him last night when I peeked out my bedroom." And we all smile and play along while inside our hearts we scream about what a little liar (s)he is.

Now, a lot of here at monstrous will believe our children have seen ghosts if they tell you about a man who isn't there. We may even speculate a well described imaginary friend as a possible ghost or guardian spirit. But Santa? It's down to an active imagination. As we get older and we are told of this false bringer of Power Rangers and Scalectrix we no longer peer out our doorways, hoping for a glimpse of a red suit, or a black boot. We have matured and hold an adult secret that our younger siblings don't know. He is not real.

How many of you claimed as a child to see him? Do you remember the event? Is the only reason you no longer think of that as proof because you were told he didn't exist? Did you question what you really saw or did you just forget under the feelings of superiority of having this secret that only adults were entitled to?

My sister saw him. She told me when we were kids. When I asked my mother if he was real I never thought to ask my sister why she lied to me. Did she lie? Or did she get a glimpse of something magical that we are no longer privelaged to as adults? Lets take a look at three things.

1. Children and the paranormal.
2. The significance of Christmas to the Fae.
3. The similarities between Santa and Fae.

1. Children are believed to be more prone to paranormal experiences than adults. The world contains so much magic as a child. In our fairytales and cartoons we see a whimsical world with magical creatures and mystical places. Any parent will tell you that a child can see something that you don't and honestly tell you it is real. Imaginary friend are the most common. But fairies are a common one also. These fun, wonderful people that only your child is privelaged enough to see. They talk, laugh and play with these invisible comrades and many people just look and smile at the innocence of childhood. But many who come to monstrous already know of the spiritual side to this. Is that invisible friend with the green hat and glasses really the spirit of your Uncle Charlie? He was very fond that dark green cap and needed those old milk bottles just to read the headlines in the morning. The girls are spending a lot of time playing tea parties in the wooded area at the bottom of the garden, and who are they talking too? Many Fae researchers will tell you about the strong connection between these sprites and children. Especially girls.

2. Christmas is at the pre-Christian winter solstice. We're not gonna get into that but it involves deities and such, just like any pagan celebration. In Celtic lore the Fae world is closely linked in with nature and as the solstice is an important seasonal event, nature is a large part of the celebrations. Offerings are given to appease the nature spirits or deity to protect people in this harsh season and to bring back good weather soon so the people have food and crops. Long before we left out milk and cookies for Santa we left out an offering for the Fae and Spirits to protect and be good to us in this deadly season.

3. Now. This is the interesting bit. We have already established that Fae were asked to come and help us in winter. And these days we ask Santa to bring us gifts. So lets look at the similarities. Fae are said to be able to shrink and grow at will. They can be a small as a tinkerbell and as big as a giant. Santa Claus seems to have the same ability. He can pass through a crack in a door or come down a chimney. Contrary to popular belief, green is not the the common colour of Fae clothing. Red is. Even the forever green leprechaun is originally depicted in red, the same as the fabled Santa suit. Santa is depicted as a Toymaker. In Fae lore they are mostly depicted as craftsmen if not underground dwellers like dwarves who are generally miners. In most tales and lore they can be found building or repairing garments, shoes, watches, toys and other intricate items. They most striking similarity is the offering. The most treasured offering left for a Fae is cream or milk. They seem to love dairy. Along with this you would generally leave a small amount of food, like a single mince pie or a biscuit/cookie. Sometimes a spot of tobacco or liquor if you were generous, and what does Santa get? Milk and cookies. The ultimate brownie offering. In the old days he would also be left your fathers pipe with a some fresh tobacco and maybe a brandy, but that was before it was deemed inappropriate for children to bum Santa a smoke. You will also find many references to Santa Claus or Father Christmas or whatever you call him being called a "jolly old elf" and such in popular songs and stories.

So. In conclusion. Santa has as much lore around him as any other Fae or otherworldly creature, he is said to come visit you in the night like brownies and other domestic Fae, he has the look and powers of a Fae, and is associated with an important annual holiday and feast just like the nature spirits of old. He is spotted by millions of eye witnesses every year but we ignore this as fantasy due to the witnesses age. But if someone believes they have a haunting, the children are always used as evidence.

So, I leave you with a question. If Santa is really just a Fae, who visits near the winter solstice, looking for some left out milk and a cookie, if he is a Fae or a God or seasonal spirit who we associated with a gift giving saint, if he is seen by millions but ignored by adults who tell excited children "you saw Santa? Wow! Aren't you a lucky boy/girl!", then I want you to think right back to your childhood, when Christmas was magic and you didn't have to "believe" in magic because it was part of the world like a rainbow or a coin pulled from your ear.
Think back and ask yourself,
Did you see Santa?
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Santa is a myth- period.
I agree with you on the connections between him and the Fae, though. Remember that Christmas is really just Christians taking winter solstice celebrations from other cultures/religions... And so I can see Santa being the same way, in regards to setting cookies out. The gift-giving part of Santa is entirely based off Saint Nicholas, who was a '4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra in Lycia'. Saint Nicholas, or 'Nikolaos the Wonderworker', would go around and give gifts in secret, usually coins in people's shoes.
Santa is also modeled after Father Christmas, who originally was just associated with the more "adult" celebrations of drinking and feasting, and it wasn't until the Victorian-era that he and St. Nicholas 'merged' into a jolly old man gift-giver.
Santa Clause is the American name of Father Christmas, and the image of Santa we see today was from the work of advertisement. Both Father Christmas and Santa Clause originally wore a green suit, until Thomas Nast drew Santa Clause in a red suit and fur lining. This imaged was popularized by Coca-Cola's famous Christmas ads with Santa painted in a red suit and rosy cheeks.

So yea

As for children spotting him, I don't have a say, because I'm never seen anything out of the supernatural as a child. I have a lack of imagination, so... /deprived


Everything you said. I already knew. So did most people here. I'm not here to discuss Christmas. I was just making a nice, Christmas themed observation that was meant to make people sit and remember that time they saw Santa and instead of thinking "it was just my dad" they might think "holy crap, maybe I DID see Santa" and have a warm fuzzy feeling if nostalgia and some seasonal joy before the brain kicks in and says "Santa ain't real, jackass!". You ruined it. Well done. I'm glad you were deprived. You ruined christmas with your need to spout Wikipedia at me. Breaks my heart.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.




Really, bro, it was an honest mistake... From your wording I thought this was open to discussion. Sorry not sorry.
Also this is my first time on a forum site, so I don't really know the... idk 'cues' yet, or whatever, ok?
Jesus H. Christ take a chillpill.


Quote from: Angelus on January 04, 2013, 08:10:06 AM

So, I leave you with a question. If Santa is really just a Fae, who visits near the winter solstice, looking for some left out milk and a cookie, if he is a Fae or a God or seasonal spirit who we associated with a gift giving saint, if he is seen by millions but ignored by adults who tell excited children "you saw Santa? Wow! Aren't you a lucky boy/girl!", then I want you to think right back to your childhood, when Christmas was magic and you didn't have to "believe" in magic because it was part of the world like a rainbow or a coin pulled from your ear.
Think back and ask yourself,
Did you see Santa?

No, my dad wore heavy boots when he'd carry the presents down the hall, us children caught on quickly but we had brownies...they helped around the house for milk.

My Bohemian heritage likes the history of King Wenceslaus and my polish side has St. Nicholas, we'd leave out a shoe instead of stockings.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Quote from: SterekSeeker on January 04, 2013, 08:34:19 PM
Really, bro, it was an honest mistake... From your wording I thought this was open to discussion. Sorry not sorry.
Also this is my first time on a forum site, so I don't really know the... idk 'cues' yet, or whatever, ok?
Jesus H. Christ take a chillpill.

Sorry mate. I was making a cruel joke. I wasn't really over reacting. Guess its hard to show tone when typing. I suppose I could have lol'd or something.

Quote from: jordyn on January 05, 2013, 04:37:32 PM
Quote from: Angelus on January 04, 2013, 08:10:06 AM

So, I leave you with a question. If Santa is really just a Fae, who visits near the winter solstice, looking for some left out milk and a cookie, if he is a Fae or a God or seasonal spirit who we associated with a gift giving saint, if he is seen by millions but ignored by adults who tell excited children "you saw Santa? Wow! Aren't you a lucky boy/girl!", then I want you to think right back to your childhood, when Christmas was magic and you didn't have to "believe" in magic because it was part of the world like a rainbow or a coin pulled from your ear.
Think back and ask yourself,
Did you see Santa?

No, my dad wore heavy boots when he'd carry the presents down the hall, us children caught on quickly but we had brownies...they helped around the house for milk.

My Bohemian heritage likes the history of King Wenceslaus and my polish side has St. Nicholas, we'd leave out a shoe instead of stockings.

I have not heard about king Wenceslas. I am intrigued. Could you tell me more?
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Quote from: Angelus on January 10, 2013, 08:03:12 AM
Quote from: SterekSeeker on January 04, 2013, 08:34:19 PM
Really, bro, it was an honest mistake... From your wording I thought this was open to discussion. Sorry not sorry.
Also this is my first time on a forum site, so I don't really know the... idk 'cues' yet, or whatever, ok?
Jesus H. Christ take a chillpill.

Sorry mate. I was making a cruel joke. I wasn't really over reacting. Guess its hard to show tone when typing. I suppose I could have lol'd or something.

Quote from: jordyn on January 05, 2013, 04:37:32 PM
Quote from: Angelus on January 04, 2013, 08:10:06 AM

So, I leave you with a question. If Santa is really just a Fae, who visits near the winter solstice, looking for some left out milk and a cookie, if he is a Fae or a God or seasonal spirit who we associated with a gift giving saint, if he is seen by millions but ignored by adults who tell excited children "you saw Santa? Wow! Aren't you a lucky boy/girl!", then I want you to think right back to your childhood, when Christmas was magic and you didn't have to "believe" in magic because it was part of the world like a rainbow or a coin pulled from your ear.
Think back and ask yourself,
Did you see Santa?

No, my dad wore heavy boots when he'd carry the presents down the hall, us children caught on quickly but we had brownies...they helped around the house for milk.

My Bohemian heritage likes the history of King Wenceslaus and my polish side has St. Nicholas, we'd leave out a shoe instead of stockings.

I have not heard about king Wenceslas. I am intrigued. Could you tell me more?

He was a Bohemian King known for his unusual generosity, sadly there's not much to know it was such a short lived kingdom.

"The young king's Christian beliefs permeated his reign and he soon became renown for his acts of charity, especially the help he gave to the poor whom he sheltered and clothed."

considering how christianized Christmas became, i think he's an appropriate symbol.  ;)

"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Quote from: Angelus on January 10, 2013, 08:03:12 AM
Quote from: SterekSeeker on January 04, 2013, 08:34:19 PM
Really, bro, it was an honest mistake... From your wording I thought this was open to discussion. Sorry not sorry.
Also this is my first time on a forum site, so I don't really know the... idk 'cues' yet, or whatever, ok?
Jesus H. Christ take a chillpill.

Sorry mate. I was making a cruel joke. I wasn't really over reacting. Guess its hard to show tone when typing. I suppose I could have lol'd or something.

Apology accepted. :P


Quote from: jordyn on January 10, 2013, 08:48:14 AM
Quote from: Angelus on January 10, 2013, 08:03:12 AM
Quote from: SterekSeeker on January 04, 2013, 08:34:19 PM
Really, bro, it was an honest mistake... From your wording I thought this was open to discussion. Sorry not sorry.
Also this is my first time on a forum site, so I don't really know the... idk 'cues' yet, or whatever, ok?
Jesus H. Christ take a chillpill.

Sorry mate. I was making a cruel joke. I wasn't really over reacting. Guess its hard to show tone when typing. I suppose I could have lol'd or something.

Quote from: jordyn on January 05, 2013, 04:37:32 PM
Quote from: Angelus on January 04, 2013, 08:10:06 AM

So, I leave you with a question. If Santa is really just a Fae, who visits near the winter solstice, looking for some left out milk and a cookie, if he is a Fae or a God or seasonal spirit who we associated with a gift giving saint, if he is seen by millions but ignored by adults who tell excited children "you saw Santa? Wow! Aren't you a lucky boy/girl!", then I want you to think right back to your childhood, when Christmas was magic and you didn't have to "believe" in magic because it was part of the world like a rainbow or a coin pulled from your ear.
Think back and ask yourself,
Did you see Santa?

No, my dad wore heavy boots when he'd carry the presents down the hall, us children caught on quickly but we had brownies...they helped around the house for milk.

My Bohemian heritage likes the history of King Wenceslaus and my polish side has St. Nicholas, we'd leave out a shoe instead of stockings.

I have not heard about king Wenceslas. I am intrigued. Could you tell me more?

He was a Bohemian King known for his unusual generosity, sadly there's not much to know it was such a short lived kingdom.

"The young king's Christian beliefs permeated his reign and he soon became renown for his acts of charity, especially the help he gave to the poor whom he sheltered and clothed."

considering how christianized Christmas became, i think he's an appropriate symbol.  ;)

Interesting. It's amazing how all these different gift givers have been sewn together to create the most recognisable symbol of Christmas. I shall look into more about this king with great interest.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


I saw and was silent,
I saw and thought,
and heard the speech of Odin
I heard about what lay in the runes,
and there was much council given.
At the hall of Har, In the hall of Har;
Such was the speech I heard.


Excellent. Simply excellent. I'm a huge fan of Fortean Times as I'm sure many of this site are. I know you are not allowed to post links but instead of posting an entire article you can just offer to pm the link to any that's interested. But I did enjoy that article.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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