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Needing help

Started by Finrod852, February 20, 2013, 08:44:44 PM

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I told you before, I DO NOT ROLE-PLAY. I am very sincere at EVERYTHING I say. Now as for what the site owner said. I didn't know that. And don't go off telling me "well you should've gathered the facts" and all that crap! I read the most recent of posts and get with the times, and that's what everyone was doing, so I joined in. I can't just go back to reading 27,000,000,000 posts. Ain't nobody got time for that s**t! Now I do admit that you've been here longer and you obviousely know what the site is about. That's why I need to leave. You've taken all the fun out of everything. And why does it say "A safe haven for all monsters" anyway? If there are no such things, why is that the montra?
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up!


And another thing, I'm going to use all the time I have left and gather all the monsters that still come to the forum and encourage them. Give them hope for a good future, andthere's nothing you can do to stop me.
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up!


" Be not afriad of the darkness but embrace the beauty of the night"


And for the record Jake, I do not whine. I complain. Now as I've said before I am perfectly sincere at everything I say on this site. Everything that comes out of my mouth (or fingers in this case) has meaning and is the absolute truth. I pretend at nothing. I haven't even "pretended" anything since I was like 10. And by the way, you DID recommend private messaging, silly. You told me that that was a better means of communication other than e-mail because you have so manny accounts and passwords and such. You'd remember that post if you hadn't erassed it. It used to be in the "Monstrous Creation Date?" topic.
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up!


You was right facebook banned me for a week and i have to wait alittle bit before i can sennd a message on here
" Be not afriad of the darkness but embrace the beauty of the night"


That's ok Black_Angel, we can talk as soon as you can message again. :)
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up!


" Be not afriad of the darkness but embrace the beauty of the night"


wth you guys are nuts. I thought this forum thing was about asking for help. And what is this karma thig you guys keep talking about, and smiting? wth is that? I do need help tho. How do you get those yellow squares at the top of your pictures? Is that like ranking or something?


Yeah, it's the Monstrous ranking system. It depends on how many posts you have. i.e. If you have 50 posts, you get two yellow rank pips (that's just what I call them), then if you get 100, you get three pips, etc. You also get another rank title, after "Monstrous Imp" you have "Young Beast" then "Black monk", the list goes on. Hope that answers your question. :)
Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up!


Enough. This is not a place for this. Jake. I have attempted to pm you but I can't. What you are doing is bullying. You have been warned and reported. As for the therian and vampire claims that you say this place isn't for! It's exactly what this place is for. Now enough.
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Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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