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Started by Gojira54, May 01, 2005, 02:14:40 PM

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This is one of all time favorate movies KingKong by RKO 1933. I first saw this movie in a theatre back in 1973 there was a 40th anniversary special showing of KingKong at the Plaza Theatre in El Paso Texas. I was never a fan of Kong seen that I did not like the KingKong vs. Godzilla movie which kind of made it look like KingKong beat Godzilla. Anyway I had read about the 1933 classic and ew how this movie was made and when I was 12 I had a chance to see the movie. My dad took me and I must say KingKong 1933 is AWESOME!! After watching the movie I told my dad Man I cant believe they could make movies like that in the 30s!!! He laughed and said me either. Well after seen that I was hooked on Kingkong and I wanted to know more. Well here is a list of all the Kingkong movies that have been made since 1933.
1 KingKong 1933 USA RKO
2 KingKong Appears on Edo 1938 Japan
3 KingKong vs. Godzilla 1962 Japan Toho
4 Kingkong Escapes 1967 Japan Toho
5 KingKong 1976 USA  Dino De Laurentis-adapation/remake
6 KingKong Lives 1986 USA- Dino De Laurentis- sequel
7 KingKong 2005 remake opens december Peter Jackson director

David Nunez Gojira11354
David Nunez Gojira11354



The original stats for KingKong in 1933 by RKO are as follows.
1 Hight 50 ft
2 Face 7 ft from hairline to chin
3 Nose 2ft
4 Lips 6 ft from corner to corner
5 Brows 4ft 3in
6 Mouth 6ft when streched as a smile
7 Eyes 10 in long each
8 Ears 1ft long
9 Eye-Teeth 10in high 7inch at base
10 Molars 14in round 4in high
11 Chest 60 ft in repose
12 Legs 15ft
13 Arms 23 ft
14 Reach 75 ft
David Nunez Gojira11354
David Nunez Gojira11354



The 2nd movie about KingKong was made in Japan in 1938 a man who saw the original 1933 KingKong movie in Japan in 1936 a Mr Toshinori
Ohashi who was a suit/costume maker and actor was inspired to make his own movie about Kingkong. Toshinori made a KingKong costume with a little help from his friend a Mr. Tezio Toshimitsu. Toshimitsu would later be famous in 1954 for helping in the design of the Godzilla costume for Toho studios. Toshinori Ohashi used the stagename  Sanshiro Sagara when he acted. When Toshinori made his movie he titled it KingKong Appears on Edo the movie was completed in 1938 and was an independent movie. Toshinori Ohashi a.k.a. Sanshiro Sagara wore the KingKong suit in the movie this was the 1st time in KingKong history that the suit designer would wear the suit he made this happened a 2nd time with KingKong in 1976 when Rick Baker designed the KingKong suit for that remake Rick also wore his KingKong suit. Very few people even know about KingKong Appears on Edo 1938 but the movie is credited as being the 2nd movie about the famous gorilla KingKong.
David Nunez Gojira11354
David Nunez Gojira11354




Back in 1962 Toho movie studios made 1 of 2 movies that would include
KingKong the 1st movie was titled KingKong vs. Godzilla made in 1962.
In it KingKongs hight was 45 meters tall around 149 ft and his weght was 25.000 metric tons.  Toho studios then made their 2nd KingKong movie in 1967 titled Kingkong Escapes. This movie had Konh fight a giant Alosaur called Gorosarus and a Robotic Kong called MechaNi Kong. However there was a diffrence and KingKong was smaller in Kingkong Escapes. KingKong was 20 meters tall in KingKong Escapes and he weghed only 1000 tons.
Nobody really know why Toho studios made Kingkong shorter for this 2nd movie but there are a couple of theorys to as why that is. The main theory is that Toho may have been upset about how Universal studios slanted Kingkong vs. Godzilla and making it appear as though Kong won when infact it was a tie. This might be the reason Toho made Kong smaller 5 years later in KingKong Escapes 1967. Anyway  those are the 2 Kongs. David Nunez Gojira11354
David Nunez Gojira11354



I was never fond of the first remake of Kong.  Hopefully this new remake will be better.


hooooooooooooooooooooo....both r good the southpark 1 YEAH!


The new Kong definitely looks pretty good.  I think they're doing a good job with it.


Phantom Stranger

Did you know that the film "Godzilla Vs The Sea Monster" was originally going to be a King Kong movie. The sets were built and the script was written but at the last moment RKO wanted more money for their character. Toho decided that Kong now cost to much and gave the movie to one of their own monsters...the great Godzilla
I am known in many realms by many names, but those that know me in your world call me the Phantom Stranger.

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