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Characteristics of Antichrist

Started by Zak Roy Yoballa, July 21, 2005, 08:59:42 AM

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Do you believe the Antichrist is alive and walking the earth right now?

Who cares?

Zak Roy Yoballa

So, the Isaiah passage does not connect, either historically or theologically, with the New Testament passages about the devil or the satan. By listening to the Old Testament passage on its own terms within its own context, we discover that Lucifer is not an Old Testament name for the devil or the satan. The passage in Isaiah 14:12-17 is directed at the downfall of the arrogant Babylonian rulers who took Israel into exile. By beginning with the New Testament, by making assumptions not supported by a closer examination of Scripture itself, and by using external theological categories as a lens through which to read Scripture, we may end up badly misreading Isaiah.

-Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2006, Dennis Bratcher, All Rights Reserved

Your claim seems to have some Christian circles too!  This is the final paragraph of a lengthy article out of a Wesly web-site. 

Let this be a lessen to all stubborn people out there that you need to approach topics with opinions based on facts.  And then challenge your facts to see if they are valid. 

Thanks Maggs for the insight, I'm continueing to look into this.

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.

Mr. Maggot

You're welcome,Zak. Always glad to volunteer information.
''Every revolution begins with the power of an idea and ends when the only idea left is clinging on to power''.


I believe that he is alive, and walking the Earth. BUT, I think that he is playing low in a way, bringing people into his way of thinking, but slowly. There are so many signs the world is going to end soon, and of course once that time comes we shall think of now as heaven. Anway, most people are on his side and they aren't gonna change. For those of you who have read the Bible I think it mentions about the world trying to become one and join, which is happening, also that there are 10 stages or something like that and when we get to the 10th stage the end is drastically near, and the description for that stage is unbelievably like what we are being subjected to living in.

Anyway, that's just my opinion.


I don't think the anti-christ is living now, and even if he is, he is useless untill Satan is realeased from the abyss were the 1.000 years punishment is ended. Of course God's year is larger than the human's year. Anyways when Satan is realeased he will find the anti-christ and will give him great power ( The most he can) he will make him do wonders, and will give him the power to ruleover the world. 2/3 of the world will fall for him.

I think we should strengthen our beliefs, now that we know that the end is near.
Fire awaits the evil ...


I had a dream about the Abyss. I tryed to warn the people, but they looked at me as on a madman, not even worthy of bothering, and they all went to the edge, like the bloody tourists, to watch it and admire. But they knew nothing of the nature of the entity below, and its nature was really scary, and cold, and full of hate. Not even a glimpse of remorce...

But the first guardian of the creature told me that it is written that entity must brake the seal and come right out with the help of second guardian, who will die in doing so.

Strange dream...

but maybe Im offtopic


I don't think any guardian will open the abyss, only an angel with the key after the punishment passes. You're dream must mean something else.
Maybe the abyss symbolises evil, the 1st guardian is guidance and the second guardian is unleashing evil!!.  :roll:
what a bizzare idea of mine  :-D
Fire awaits the evil ...


In that dream second one was as much important as the first.

Quote from: tormentor on March 13, 2007, 01:42:41 AM
Maybe the abyss symbolises evil, the 1st guardian is guidance and the second guardian is unleashing evil!!.  :roll:
what a bizzare idea of mine  :-D

posible as well...


the antichrist will more than likely be high in rank in society and he will be high up in the government :|

Zak Roy Yoballa

Perhaps.  It may be the leader of a counter cultural movement rather than government official.  Perhaps it will be a high ranking member of the Christian Church and that is how it causes so many people to move away from the Lord.   My opinion is that it doesn't matter.  Treat each day as if it were your last and continually try to glorify God in everything you do, from the mundane to the majestic.  We don't know who it will be or when it will occur so don't worry about it.  :wink:

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


A good number of texts have said that the last antichrist will "have the Mark of the Beast". Jow, a LOT of folks are claiming this will be a certain triple digit number; exactly which number depends upon who you talk to. My suggestion to everyone is to step back and think about this:

What is the Beast? He is the Adversary - yes. He is the Prince of Darkness - yes. But these are not his greatest trademark qualities. That particular thing is that he is The Great Deceiver. Above all else, the Beast is a liar, a deceiver of Mammon.

So...if the antichrist is to possess the Mark of the Beast; what mark would that truly be? Why, the ability to deceive the world at large, convincing many of them that he is nothing threatening, but benign and only here to do God's work. Now, many of you here have cable, you have televisions. Can anyone here think of ONE MAN who fits that description?


Larry Page, the founder of Google is a good candidate ....

"Don't Be Evil" is the informal corporate motto (or slogan) for Google, established by Sergey Brin, who claimed it was a powerful and benevolent principle for Google.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

Infinity Divinity

Quote from: Moloch on July 01, 2007, 02:54:14 PM
Can anyone here think of ONE MAN who fits that description?

Holy cocaine biscuits! It's actor Johnny Depp!


LOL! i thought it was the pope!

But seriously.... does it really matter? he's probably a whole mess of people. The 7 heads was maybe a sign of 7 religions.

why should i trust any of you? four of you've tried to  kill me in the past, one of you succeeded-jack sparrow
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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