
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Started by Shadow, August 24, 2005, 01:29:16 AM

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Hmmm There's something about that "forest" that I know there's something about it like from memory or something but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's on the tip of my tongue yet so far away.. Give me a day or two...


Take your time, just keep me posted :P

Devious Viper

Whereabouts is this forest? What country is it in? Obviously, its Europe, but which country?

~ Viper ~


Northern parts of Poland actually, near the coast.

Devious Viper

West or east of the Vistula?


Devious Viper

Zachodniopomorskie, or Pomorskie?
I take it, as you visited this forest often, you are Polish? I'd been hoping you were going to say it was near the Carpathian mountains, because that would have been so much more sinister! Even their name somehow sounds creepy.



Nope, not mountains. And yes, I'm Polish. I live not so far away that forest too, so I just won't tell you were it is exactly ;) (I'm distrustful, I know :P). It's in Pomorskie, if you want to use Polish names.

You'd think that with all those wars there would be a vast amount of ghosts around here...

EDIT: Does anyone else find it funny that "sinister" means "left" in Latin? :P


Funny thing... I've recently told my best friend about my experiences and about shadows and he started to wake up paralyzed every night. I don't know if it had anything to do with anything, but it's kinda weird it started right after I told him about it. I started to hear voices too (like a female voice in my head saying "I"... nothing more). It was always in the evening and always when I was lying in bed, lights out.

His sister on the other hand sometimes wakes up screaming because she saw something/someone (pretty clearly) approaching him several times and she screamed so loudly the whole house woke up... Once it was a "human" female I guess, but dragging one of her legs behind (zombie-style). Another time it was something small, climbing on his bed. She saw some of this things multiple times...

He, on the other hand (when he was little) saw himself standing in the room... he even shouted to "it", and "it" dissapeared (he wasn't dreaming).


Very interesting, do you think you could get your friend on here to describe it better?


Nope, he doesn't have an internet connection. Ask some questions if you want and I'll either answer them myself or ask him (we share quite a lot, so I probably know a few answers).

Anyway, have you thought of anything concerning that forest yet?


While this thread is quite old, perhaps the Guest will still see it, if not, then oh well.  

What your friend may be experiencing is acutally quite common but not always acknowledged.  It is called sleep paralysis, often when someone is sleeping they may awaken and feel unable to move or speak.  As unexpected immobility would be frightening in any situation, it can be particularly alarming upon waking.

I myself have suffered from this as is what lead me to research the condition.  I awoke in my bed laying on my side unable to move at all, then I heard the shuffling of feet on my carpet around my bed, followed by a shadowy black figure shaking his head and arms in stiff, jerky movements "walking" in front of my view and stayed there.  Being fully awake but helplessly paralyzed, I began to panic as the dark shape continued to shuffle from one side of my bed to the other, all the while I heard the sound of as if air being displaced by something traveling very quickly through it (rushing sound).  Finally, with an extreme effort I screamed at the top of my lungs and instantly was unfrozen, sat up and turned on the light.  Of course there was nothing there, but was still I was plenty shook up.  Since then, I have felt slight paralyzation upon waking, but thankfully, no more hallucinations.

The reason this happens is that brain activity wakes the sleeper, however, the body has not yet had the opputuntity to awaken, thus the sleeper's body feels helplessly limp or unmoveable, and it often takes great effort to wake up the body.  Most of the time the sleeper is very stressed or anxious about something in their waking life.  Additionally, it is not uncommon to hallucinate while this occurs.  Distorted images of a person or people accompanied with the sounds of rushing air or humming are among the most experienced.  Now it may seem that I am simply finding scientific excuses for my single account (as I have always been very science minded) but in my research of the topic, I again and again found people reporting the same symptoms and have even found medical documentation with more indepth details of reasons behind the causes for it and less common accompanying symptoms.

It's actually quite interesting, I would provide a link but no longer have an links to sites with information about it, but its not so hard to find if you look.



I think Anonymous there was actually Cursed_Tyrant, sorry if I'm wrong I can't remember exactly. Nothing on the forest sorry, I haven't thought about it lately. It still intrigues me though

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