
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Near death

Started by James, October 28, 2005, 07:56:12 AM

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Hi its my first time in here. I'v always felt that something hase been here with me, a presence that i can feel. very often I see things in the corner of my eye like a moving shadow. I died last weekend and thankfuly was revived but what i saw shines a new light on the views that i have had in the past. the person that revived me swares that he saw my soul and while i was dead i sware that i saw the souls of living people around me in a totaly diferent view to normal. It's hard to explain the way they looked. some feedback would be great. id like an informed view from someone thats been in my situation befor. I'v never been a spiritual person befor but would appreceate some feedback

Devious Viper

Hi James
There's a thread here in Shadows called Everything About Shadows. Have a read of that. Sorry, but I'm not an "expert" in this area; Shadow and Shadowling are our two top minds in this area. I'm sure they will respond to your query as soon as they next log in and read your post.

~ Viper ~

Devious Viper

Thanks for your PM. What exactly are the views you have held in the past? How exactly did you feel during this (out of body?) experience? Threatened? Calmed?

~ Viper ~


My views in the past were that there was no god or higher being, i belived that once we where dead there was nothing. I felt compleatly calm and at ease.


That's very interesting, James, but I would be willing to bet that what was seen was not a Shadow. Shadows, in my opinion, are not associated with death, or the afterlife. It is unlikely they would be seen around the scene of a possible death, becuase of the destruction of what may have been a food source for them. Shadows tend to only be found near humans when they are useful to them. Otherwise, they mostly ignore us, which a few exeptions. Keep an eye out, tough, because seeing movements in the corner of your eye, and that 'never alone' feeling, can be indicators you may be Shadowprey.

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



what do u mean by shadowprey? you mean that the actualy devour souls?
iv never felt uneasy wiht the presence thats around me.


I also belive that i have a verry strong soul


From my understanding they don't devour souls, but feed off your energy (which you replenish every time you sleep). Look at the "Everything about Shadows" topic, it's explained there if I remember correctly. I've heard of shadows being violent, but I've never heard of a shadow killing a person. Like Shadowling said, we're a food source to them, and they wouldn't want to kill their food source, would they?

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