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i've seen an elf/small folk before

Started by lonerangergirl, October 29, 2005, 12:56:23 AM

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when i was little, i swear i saw an elf. it was kinda on one of my families field trips where we go hiking all over and then i saw it. it was pretty small, bout the size of me (5 yrs. old) and wore greenish clothes and had pointed ears. kinda like one of them North Pole elves, except more real.

(totally true!!!)


Actually what you could have seen was swawtixwted, or Little Earths, they dwell in low mounds in the forest.Little Earths appear to be the size of small childern,and have magical abilitys.They can be helpful to humans. if you would like to know more send me a pm or look under my shaman topic.
We are the warriors of Light forging into the darkness.


sweet. never heard of 'em.
the weirdest thing is, i always have had random dreams about my encounter. it creeps-me-out/amazes-me/drives-all-the-warm-blood-out-of-my-body.

Devious Viper

I particularly like the faery folk of Irish-Celtic mythology. There's nothing cute or twee about them (no gossamer wings etc.) They are slightly taller than humans, very gracefully proportioned (hm, somewhat similar to the descriptions of the alien "Nordics"...)

The myths say that the Tuatha Dé Danann ("People of the goddess Danu") were the Irish race of gods, founded by the goddess Danu. These gods, who originally lived on 'the islands in the west', had perfected the use of magic. They traveled on a big cloud to the land that later would be called Ireland and settled there.

Shortly after their arrival they defeated the Firbolg at the first battle of Mag Tuireadh. In the second battle of Mag Tuireadh they fought and conquered the Fomorians, a race of giants who were the primordial inhabitants of Ireland. They dealt more subtly with the Fomorians than with the Firbolg, and gave them the province of Connacht. There was also some marrying between the two races.

The Tuatha Dé themselves were later driven to the underworld (what we now call the faerie mounds) by the Milesians, the people of King Milesius. There they still live as invisible beings and are known as the Aes Sidhe. In a just battle, they will fight beside mortals. When they fight, they go armed with lances of blue flame and shields of pure white.

~ Viper ~


Also the little earths are known for aiding shamans on there journeys into the spiritual realm.Honestly from stories and other practioners of shamaism.They can be kind if you do not destroy or disturb anything around there mounds.and you never know where they can show up so always use caution when walking around in the woods
We are the warriors of Light forging into the darkness.

Phantom X

Viper have you read some of the Prophecies about Ireland being exempt from Judgement Day/what ever that end of the world is? If so, what do you think about it?
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In

Devious Viper

I haven't come across any that specifically exclude Ireland from the End Times, but I do know of plenty of legends linking Ireland with the Hebrews... For example, the Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) is said to be Jacob's Pillar. The ancient Irish Kings were crowned upon it, then the Scottish monarchs, and then the English Kings and Quuens (right up to the present queen.) There's an awful lot of things like this.

Maybe a new thread somewhere?

~ Viper ~

Phantom X

I dont know where to put it, Ive always suggested a board for Prophecies and Ancient Scriptures....
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In


Quote from: Devious ViperI particularly like the faery folk of Irish-Celtic mythology. There's nothing cute or twee about them (no gossamer wings etc.) They are slightly taller than humans, very gracefully proportioned (hm, somewhat similar to the descriptions of the alien "Nordics"...)

The myths say that the Tuatha Dé Danann ("People of the goddess Danu") were the Irish race of gods, founded by the goddess Danu. These gods, who originally lived on 'the islands in the west', had perfected the use of magic. They traveled on a big cloud to the land that later would be called Ireland and settled there.

Shortly after their arrival they defeated the Firbolg at the first battle of Mag Tuireadh. In the second battle of Mag Tuireadh they fought and conquered the Fomorians, a race of giants who were the primordial inhabitants of Ireland. They dealt more subtly with the Fomorians than with the Firbolg, and gave them the province of Connacht. There was also some marrying between the two races.

The Tuatha Dé themselves were later driven to the underworld (what we now call the faerie mounds) by the Milesians, the people of King Milesius. There they still live as invisible beings and are known as the Aes Sidhe. In a just battle, they will fight beside mortals. When they fight, they go armed with lances of blue flame and shields of pure white.

~ Viper ~

I thought it was called the Battle of Moytura? Or is that the Anglified version of the name? And also, wasn't there something about the Tuath travelling from the 'Four Oldest Cities'? *Shrugs* I need to brush up on my Celtic mythology.

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem


Devious Viper

Later accounts do say that they had dwelt in the four mythical cities called Findias, Gorias, Murias and Falias, each providing one of the four chief treasures that they brought to Ireland:
Findias ~ Nuada's sword "from whose stroke no one ever escaped or recovered..."
Gorias ~ Lugh's lance, which he did not wield as a weapon because it was a living thing, constantly thirsting for blood; between battles it had to be sedated with opium! In battle "it roared, and struggled against its thongs; once slipped from the leash it tore through and through the ranks of the enemy, never tiring of slaying..."
Murias ~ the Dagda's cauldron, "The Undry", from which "everyone found food in proportion to his merits, and none went away unsatisfied..."
Falias ~ The Lia Fail, which would utter a human cry if touched by the rightful king.

A good place to brush up on the subject is Charles Squires' "Celtic Myth & Legend" (1912); dated in places, but a good read, very detailed.

alastor moon

Quote from: Phantom XViper have you read some of the Prophecies about Ireland being exempt from Judgement Day/what ever that end of the world is? If so, what do you think about it?
it's because it is the land of the fair folk. they are exempt.
" 'tis now the witching time of night,
when churchyards yawn and hell itself breaths out contagion to this world,
now, could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on."

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