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The Most Shocking Homicide Cases: Human Mutilation!

Started by Scotty, January 29, 2006, 11:15:32 AM

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The photos of this case are too graphic for most individuals .They will (NOT) be shown to this public forum. This article is the commentary and presentation only. This case was originally reported to a UFO conference on behalf of the disclosure project. The reporter who had obtained this once(classified) case, had withheld the complete story and photos to the public for fear of being 'silenced' by government agencies. She has not been scene since and is most likely in hiding. This article is to not only promote the existence of Aliens but to shed all light to there malevolent and cruel disregard for human life. Redefine a Demon no matter how pleasant a New Ager portrays them as Gods to help save us. :idea:  

UFO-Related Homicide: The Complete Story-Censored

If this case is authentically UFO-related - and at this time I have no reason to believe it is not - then all of us are going to have to reevaluate to one degree or another our tentative conclusions as to the possible specific intentions, moral perspectives and general agenda that some of our extraterrestrial visitors may have.
There have been rumors of homicidal, UFO-related, human mutilation cases for some time now but hard evidence has been lacking. Until, perhaps, now. Brazilian ufologist Encarnacion Zapata Garcia and Dr. Rubens Goes have recently presented a series of sensational photographs, obtained from police files which mimic the wounds of countless UFO-related animal mutilation cases that have been reported in Europe and North, Central and South America since the 1960s. On first glance they would seem to be ufology's worst nightmare.
What is more disturbing is that Brazilian ufologists and police have intimated that there may be at least a dozen or more cases similar to the recently uncovered Guarapiranga reservoir case. If this is true, it is somewhat doubtful that any of this potential new material will ever see the light of day, given the official attitudes now prevailing in Western power circles. But we can be grateful for fortuitous disclosures, and the Guarapiranga case and it's accompanying photographs seem to be just that. A great stroke of luck, albeit a dismaying one. Obviously if the Guarapiranga data is legitimate, then it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the position that all visitors are demonstrating a relatively friendly attitude toward humans, regardless of what their specific agenda(s) may be. The Guarapiranga situation indicates that there is at least one group of alien visitors to the planet who have a complete disdain for human sensibilities, who, in fact, could care less about the value of human life.
When I learned of the Guarapiranga case through Brazilian ufologist A.J. Gevaerd, who first published the related photos in his magazine UFO, my interest was stimulated and I quickly made plans for a trip to Brazil. In Sao Paulo I met Encarnacion Garcia at the home of well known ufologist Claudeir Covo and talked with her later at length. Then I traveled to Campo Grande and questioned Gevaerd. He was kind enough to supply me with second generation photographs (the best available) of the Guarapiranga reservoir victim having himself become thoroughly convinced that the evidence supporting the case was authentic and that the case was UFO-related. I came to the same conclusion because all other alternatives were neither supported by facts nor good logic, whereas the similarities to numerous cattle mutilations which I had studied in the United States were startling, exactly paralleling what I have seen many times before.
The specifics of the case are as follows:
Encarnacion Garcia learned from her friend, Dr. Rubens Goes, that he was in possession of some rather "odd" photos which had been given to him by his cousin, police technician, Rubens Sergio. These were official photos of a body that had been found near Guarapiranga reservoir on the 29th of September, 1988, of an unnamed male who was, however, later identified. The name of this man has been withheld from all media investigators, including UFO investigators, at the request of his relatives.
After studying the photos, Encarnacion Garcia was impressed with how similar the wounds of the body were to those found on the carcasses of so many UFO-related mutilated animals, knowledge which the original investigating police officials and medical doctors involved with the case did not possess. Surprisingly, Dr. Cuenca, head of the primary investigation, offered his files on the case. This is the stroke of luck which I previously mentioned and for which we can all be thankful. These included the all-. important autopsy description to which I will momentarily refer.
The initial police report, however, was not extraordinary in nature except for the recognition that the body, although extremely mutilated, had not met with unusual violence; that is, there were no signs of struggle or the application of bondage of any kind.
It was the autopsy report itself which was most revealing, especially when we compare the remarks made there with what we have learned from animal mutilation cases elsewhere. It is imperative to remember, as I have stated previously, that the individuals conducting the autopsy had no knowledge of similar animal mutilation cases. This makes the official remarks of the report all the more revealing in retrospect.
Encarnacion Garcia received copies of seven photos. I have included the five most revealing ones here with a description and commentary. The work of the perpetrators of this atrocity: the kinds of cuts made, the precision of the cuts, the removal of whole internal organs through small apertures, the lack of bleeding, the failure of the body to smell or decompose rapidly - all these are hallmarks of UFO-related animal mutilations. These peculiarities would seem to rule out Satanists, revenge- seekers or casual mutilators and go beyond even the capacities of a modern Jack the Ripper.
Photo #I: Face and upper torso photo. The body was in perfect condition. Rigor mortis had not set in and it was estimated that the victim had been killed approximately 48 to 72 hours previously. There were no signs of animal predation or putrefaction which might be expected. Strangely, there was no odor to the cadaver. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. The black coloration found in the face area and in other places within the photo is partly due to low light exposure when this photo and others were taken. It is also partly due to coagulated blood in the wound areas.
As can clearly be seen, flesh and lips have been excised around the mandibles, as is common in cattle and other animal mutilations, the autopsy report noted that "the eyes and ears were also removed and the mouth cavity was emptied." Removal of these body parts, including the tongue as here, is common enough in animal mutilation cases.
As Encarnacion Garcia rightly recognized, if a comparison of the victim with animal mutilation cases is made, "You can see they are the same - and that is also the conclusion of experienced doctors." The doctors drew their conclusion only after they had been shown photographs of similar animal mutilation cases, cases with which they were not previously familiar.
The autopsy report states: "There has been a removal of extensive tissue along many parts of the face, head and neck of the victim... There has also been extraction of ocular tissue, eyes, auditive internal and external organs (ears) and entire parts of the head. The tongue and several muscles were also extracted."
The kinds of cuts on the cadaver are what we have come to expect in UFO-related animal mutilation cases. Of primary interest is their precision. The "surgery" (or butchery, if you will) was done with agility and care and probably with speed. The lack of profuse bleeding suggests the use of a laser-like instrument producing acute heat, thus cauterizing almost immediately the edge of the wounds. This is a speculation on my part, however, although there are numerous precedents. Many of the cases studied by Dr. John Altshuler in the United States exhibit this kind of high heat, rapid surgery. Whether it would still be possible to test fragments of the flesh from the victim's wound areas is doubtful. Suffice it to say the wounds appear to be exact replicas of cases studied by Dr. Altshuler, Tom Adams, Bob Pratt, Ted Oliphant, Linda Howe, Colman VonKeviczky and myself.
Photo #2: (Above) Face and upper torso with arms outstretched. Perhaps it is best to begin here with several quotes from the autopsy report. "The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest." As Garcia observed, the doctors stated that these wounds were quite uncommon. The report also observes, "Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs."
In other words, internal organs were removed or sucked somehow through these small circular incisions. Why such a technique? Some doctors today are using a similar method to remove diseased tissue and organs from their human subjects - but this kind of procedure injures those organs in the process. Did the "surgeons" who worked on this victim care whether the organs were injured or not? What kind of specimens were they looking for? What kind of research is this? Wouldn't it be easier and more medically expedient to abduct a human specimen and study it live, including its anatomy and physiology, in a properly equipped laboratory? It would appear that the perpetrators of this act did not care if the man's life was lost nor did they care if the body were found. Here we have strong indication of a total disregard for the specimen and, by extension, for human life in general. The body was left as trash. What does this say about the perpetrators and their attitudes?
The photo clearly shows the symmetrical holes in the man's arms. One arm clearly shows the sunken area near the perforation clearly, demonstrating where muscle has been extracted. The shrunken chest area also indicates a similar process of internal extractions. It is significant that the police and medical examiners were convinced the holes found in the head, arms, stomach,---and legs were not produced by bullet wounds.
Photo #3: Close up of the left side of the victim's head. Here we see that the ear is cleanly excised. As the report states, "auditive internal and external" matter was removed The photo does not show the small holes discovered in the cranium. These were detected, however, by the medical examiners. How much, if any, of the brain tissue was removed is not stated.
Photo #4: Close up of lower torso including thighs. The stretcher, pants and cord that are visible belonged to the rescue team. The autopsy report continues, "You also find the removal of the belly button leaving a 1.5 inch hole in the abdomen and a depressed abdominal cavity showing the removal of the intestines." Brazilian doctors who later viewed the evidence were left nonplused by the hole in the umbilical area where, it appeared, "a great amount of internal organs were extracted. The edge of the hole was perfect and shows a precision cut. Also, the abdominal area of the body was very shrunken because of organ removal." The original autopsy report notes that "the---was also removed. We are aware, however, of the great similarity here with other animal mutilation cases, particularly female cattle where it is not unusual. But why exactly this is done is as big a mystery as who the exact perpetrators are, although there is enough strong circumstantial evidence to implicate UFO involvement.
Early on in the investigation, Brazilian official investigators considered the possibility that the castration of the victim was an act of revenge. They soon rejected this theory, however, because it could not account for the remaining wounds and the other peculiarities related to the body.
What is most compelling about the---incision and the extraction of---and digestive tract tissue is that it is a carbon copy of the surgery we have seen in so many UFO-related animal mutilation cases. Are we supposed to believe a revengeful human or a group of Satanists are capable of such precise, difficult, surgical techniques/procedures which leave even medical professionals perplexed as to how they could have been done? I think not. Has the Brazilian and/or American government staged a little demonstration at the Guarapiranga reservoir to frighten UFO investigators and the general public into fearing all extraterrestrial contact? In other words, are we faced with a gruesome, carefully orchestrated display of misinformation? Possibly, but probably not, and my reasons for believing this are several.
First, it would seem a fortuitous turn of events that ufologist Encarnacion Zapata Garcia had the right friend(s) in the right places at the right time. If our government, and presumably the Brazilian government, has kept a lid on similarly sensational material in the past - and I have no doubt there is more than ample evidence supporting such a contention - here we have an accidental bubble that has, against all odds, escaped the pot. It is our good fortune, you might say.
The photos are definitely causing a stir; causing many people, including some UFO investigators, to do some new thinking. But the powers that control lids will be carefully double-checking in the near future to make sure the pot is as secure as possible. Thus I would not get my hopes up that additional homicidal, UFO-related human mutilation cases and graphic photographs accompanying them will surface in the near future.
If we discard the possibility of the Guarapiranga case as a piece of misinformation, we are left with several intriguing alternatives. Is this the infrequent act of a rogue extraterrestrial group which from time to time enjoys indulging themselves in a pathological blood sport at the expense of humans? Perhaps. More likely, I think, we are indirect witnesses to an intentionally contemptuous act by a group or species of extraterrestrial origin who would like to give other visiting species a bad name and, as a bonus, harness mankind into a greater fear-mentality than already binds it. But these are only speculations and we will have to wait until a future time for a greater truth when more thorough revelations, and evidence that supports them, become available.
Do we have any precedents to the Guarapiranga case? Yes, we do. At least one good example and the rumors of possibly another. The case of Sgt. Jonathan P Louette, who was stationed at White Sands Missile Test Range in 1956 and whose mutilated body was found on the Range three days after an Air Force major had witnessed his abduction by a "disk shaped" object, bares a striking resemblance to the Guarapiranga situation. Louette's genitals had been removed, his rectum cored out with surgical precision and his eyes excised in a manner quite similar to the incisions made upon our Guarapiranga victim. And then there is the rumor of the Texas mutilation case which occurred - and was quickly hushed up - in the mid '60s. I have had verification ofthe legitimacy of this by two intelligence agency personnel, one active and one retired, but have not had time to investigate further.
At present, the rumors of human body parts found on at least one crashed UFO in the 1940s, body parts found in a barn in the state of Oregon several years ago or the rumor of a mutilated Vietnam War B-52 crew will have to remain just that - rumors, until the lid accidentally, albeit infrequently, comes ajar again and we have some solid evidence. But there is no denying that the Guarapiranga reservoir case has taken us far beyond rumor. The evidence is unmistakable and it is sobering. On the one hand, it points stunningly in a UFO-related direction. On the other hand, I believe it would be wise of us to draw a tentative conclusion if other less violent cases have not already led us to do so.
We have seen in the past, especially in Brazil, many cases where Human beings have been attacked by UFOs and their occupants. This is an undeniable reality that many researchers do not want to face. The Fenomeno Chupa-Chupa or "Suck-Suck" phenomenon which occurred in the Amazon and northeastern part of the country in the '70s and '80s produced hundreds of injured people and ultimately some fatalities. These mostly impoverished people were usually attacked by small probes (3-6 inches in diameter), probably unmanned, little UFOs which emitted strong, burning beams of light. Many of the victims suffered not only burns but a significant loss of blood (thus the "suck-suck" appellation) during their encounters. Some, such as Luiz Fernandes Barroso, suffered appreciable mental as well as physical incapacitation. Barroso's mind was reduced to that of a two-year-old long before his death.
In North America, reports of brutal manhandling by UFO occupants are much rarer. If homicidal, UFO-related human mutilations have taken place they have either gone unrecognized for what they really are or have been adeptly covered up by official intervention. Whatever the truth may be, the Guarapiranga reservoir case and the startling photos which accompany it should give us pause for thought. I, like ufologist editor A.J. Gevaerd, came to the conclusion after reviewing the evidence that UFO-related mutilators were most probably the perpetrators of the abominations revealed by the photographs of the Guarapiranga reservoir victim.
Like in the days of Noah....It shall come to pass, on a Fiery-day...

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