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A question about two shadows

Started by Shadow Winglie, May 09, 2006, 07:19:12 PM

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Shadow Winglie

I'm a first time poster on this board, but not the point. I don't mean to be rude, rather I'd like to hopefully get this question answered as quickly as possible so I know if something should be done or not.  ( I apologize for how corny this is going to sound.)

A friend and I were talking about two people we like. I wanted to drop the crush, because I felt that there was no way that it could possible happen and I knew of a spell that was supposed to get rid of a crush. So I was going to prepare the spell when my computer went dead.

I had all the run down of the spell online though, so I couldn't get to it. When I finally managed to get my computer on the entire thing had to be recovered. Not normally either, I had to get a bunch of cds from the creators of the computer themselves in order to reboot the whole thing up. It was horrible.

Here's where the shadows come in now. Well I never even got to mutter or think about the spell so I know that didn't trigger anything, however. My friend and I started noticing some really weird things after that.  It was just small things are first, a small movement or a flash of something, but it's been a few months now and things have gotten really weird I guess.

We see the flashes every now and than, but now it feels like something grabbing on arms or things like that. Sometimes you can pick up an odd scent and I know it's not our own, because you don't just start smelling some kind of scent that's been around you your whole life. (Like how all houses have a different smell to them?).

Over all, it's just really odd. Sometimes things will go missing and turn up in completely different spots. Like once I had a assignment notebook that I always keep in my bookbag. One night though I couldn't find it anymore. I had no idea where it went, we found it in my mom's van though later that week. The van had been locked all weekend though and no one had been in the van.

I read on a site sometimes Shadow people can only be seen only by their shadow or reflections. Well, I haven't seen any in a mirror, but I can see a shadow moving around my computer sometimes from behind me. (I'm on the computer a lot.  )

So is it a Shadow person, a ghost, some kind of thing that we summoned ourselves due to our wanting's, or did someone else create these things and use them as a means of getting to us. It hasn't caused any harm, but we'd still like to know.

It just doesn't seem right that two of them appeared right after all of that. Our parents have picked up on things to. At my house it's usually the scent. My mom and grandma have very sensitive noses and they started complaining a while ago about a weird perfume smell that's not mine.

My friend, her mom hears something walking around her room or moving things. I'd dub this all down to ghosts, but like I said...for it to actually be able to touch someone so much and they don't feel cold when they do. So I don't know, maybe I'm insane, but when I've caught a direct look (rarely but I have like...twice I think within the 9 months of this happening.) It was a shadow not a ghost.

Any ideas or comments? I could seriously use the help. For the most part, I just want to know if these things could get more dangerous and possibly should be gotten rid of now before something horrible goes wrong. Thank you for your time that you took reading this post.

Phantom X

This is NOT a shadow, but a poltergeist (Im terrible at spelling.). It could get violent, you may want to get an expert in there. A shadow is something that makes itself unknown and collects your energy, not your possessions.
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I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In

Shadow Winglie

Eh, I'd think so, but it's done no harm, it's actually protected me. Also, like I said, I had one show up and my friend showed up at the same time. The protecting thing sounds more like a shadow since it wouldn't want something it's draining energy from to die....or something. And it's not grabbing in a bad way, it's more like a

"ooooo look! There they are. ::Latches: " type of thing...believe me, it's odd.

Phantom X

It still sounds more like a ghost than a Shadow. I am no expert, but Im filling in for our two experts whom are gone.
I unify in order to enlighten
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I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In

Shadow Winglie

Ouch, that must be hard. Any idea when they'll come back if ever? ( I'm not saying you're bad, I just want to get as many different views on this as I can. I don't want to try and banish something that's good or doing no harm. )

Phantom X

Shadow- Never
Shadowling- January of next year

Im sure the members of this forum will offer another opinion, but they will all come to the conclusion, due to the evidence of moving things and scents, ect. that it is a ghost/poltergeist/ something of that nature.
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In

Shadow Winglie

Okay, still now I'm wondering if it's acutally evil or not...neither of them have done anything wrong. (Yeah I guess I am a bit defensive of them) and my cat doesn't freak out at all around it like most animals do around ghosts and the such. So I don't know...Thanks for your comments though seriously. It could be, but something over all just isn't adding up.

Phantom X

Over the year Ive been here, Ive seen good ghost turn bad. Ive seen good ghosts attract bad ones and Ive seen ghost overstep their boundaries. You may just need to get rid of them to prevent furture trouble. Ive also been shown hundreds of photos claiming to be shadow people and have had Shadowling, our most spectacular expert, point out 1 or 2 that are real. They may look harmless and shadows, but most of the time they arent.
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In

Shadow Winglie

Wonderful, what happens if this isn't a ghost or a shadow though and turns out to be what we think it really is, someone that's kind of doing an OBE. Because the really screwed up part of this is.

The two shadows or whatever around us, seem to correspond with the other two people we wanted and was just going to give up on. It sounds so freakin fake, but it's screwed up and true. I mean, when these people are supposed to be busy, these things aren't around at all, when they're on free time, they're around. It just seems weird...scratch that it is weird.


Actually when I left I said I'll be back and I am for a bit at the moment, I may even hang around. Phantom X you have done very well in our absence, I thank you for that. And I agree with you on this one, it seems a bit like a Shadow but they aint gonna take your stuff although that wouldn't surprise me if it was something they did with out us knowing, if they took something I doubt you'd ever find it in our realm again. And if a Shadow touched you it'd be extremely rare and they'd make sure you didn't know, unless they wanted you too.

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