
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Alien/Human Hybrid Children

Started by Devious Viper, May 25, 2006, 07:48:01 AM

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"If you dont' believe in aliens, you dont believe in gods"
thats true most aliens wre asigned to be gods when the first  humans apered
plus im an alien and you think me having sex+baby with human is discusting theres no diffrence between me and a human exept magic,blood,color of hair,color of eyes,ageing,number of hearts,and every thing else that is diffrent  between an elf and a human
oh and the high council of this universe or at best this half  was over thrown or taken over
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


So, you have more than one heart? Interesting... Is it possible for us to somehow see that?


no not really
rolls eyes
that could kill me because your viruses could touch my hearts and i could get sick
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


Well, that is sooo logical  :doh: , really. Thank you for explanation.... really.....


no for real though 1 heart is like a humans in the chest and every thing
but the other is  not the same and its  behind my belly button and cuting it "would" kill me, so no im pretty sure thats a deffinate nooooo

wait why would you want to see a heart any way dont humans think that is revolting
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


Well, some faint when they see blood on the other hand, females give birth and that is not a .... nice scene as well. At least until the baby comes.... How long have you been here? Didnt you have time to really get to know human kind?


OMG Nina I can't believe we're talking to an alien! Cool  :-D :-D :-D

Whitefox do you ride on a flying saucer as well???  %&$ :-D


Yeah, me to!  :wink:  This is our unique chance to get the answers for all our questions about God, Devil, life and death, and last but not least, life in Universe. Really cool!!!  :-D



Well, guess we humans are like that, week in some spots. Good to know that once we are extinct, there will still be life in Universe. Ah, good that good old God created such a wise ones that will still be here long after we are pure space dust.

That is just my guess, Im a mere human, so I really cant know that, can I?


Sure, we must ask our alien friend whitefox17, she might know if there even IS a god.^^


about me knowing humans well....let just say I get confused easy from them
and yes there are gods some of us were asigned to be gods by "somthing" we call the ruler who I have met(once) and he persay made this universe so yes there are gods even though some of the gods are dead now because we're in a war over your universe
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


Well that's a nice explanation to why the world's gone mad. With what we see in the world today, I wouldn't be surprised if the gods were really in war at another universe. :roll:


Its not just in another universe its right in your universe
see when we have wars they go on for a long time and they           are           BIG
spaning on for at least 4 universes
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


Where did you come from? You have alien parents too? If not how were you born?

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