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Started by Devious Viper, July 02, 2006, 01:23:07 PM

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Devious Viper

Them! is a 1954 science fiction film about humanity's battle with a nest of giant mutant ants.

One of the first of the "nuclear monster" movies, Them! was the biggest moneymaker for Warner Bros. pictures in the year of its release. Originally planned to be in 3D and Technicolor, these expensive propositions were scrapped due to Jack Warner's insecurity regarding its box-office potential. The film still featured higher production values than most of the genre-mates which followed it.

This is one of the earliest sci-fi/horror films I can recall watching as a kid. And it rocked!I can still remember the strange high-pitched clicking noise the giant ants made, and how that sent a shiver down my spine...



I love this movie

This is one of the great ones :-D

"Make me a sergeant in charge of the booze" :lol:
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One


You know I had almost forgotten about this film.  Them was great, and I used to love those movies where atomic radiation or the like transformed or created monsters.  I need to start collecting these movies on DVD.  I already have the Frankenstein films on DVD, now I need to start a collection of "atomic monsters".


I'm a huge horror/sci-fi movie fan.  I find classics such as Them!, Tarantula....etc, excellent movies to introduce my kids into these genres without scaring the pants off of them and at the same time instilling a sense of taste for the old and the new.
Death is never certain until you get poked in the eye with a stick.

Devious Viper

Exactly my feelings! Tarantula was on TV one afternoon recently - my kids loved it! here's another classic - The Tingler...


I'd also recommend The Blob (1958)....remember the days when kissing in the movies looked more like they were just smooshing their faces together rather than the full on eroticism of today....
Death is never certain until you get poked in the eye with a stick.

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