
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Started by the keeper, July 05, 2006, 10:26:15 AM

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Dark Lord M

The only Celtic roots I can find connected to Caesar was this. .:.Quoted from Encyclopedia of the Celts.:.



Celtic chief who was defeated by Caesar and send to Rome where he was imprisoned for six years and finally, under Caesar's triumph, was killed. # 396 - 562

Devious Viper

Your map is of the Roman Empire during the lifetime of Jesus Christ. For its fullest extent, see this map:

At the time of the Roman occupation of Britain, there were no Scots, they were Picts. Caesar was responsible for the slaughtering of the Druids, whose last stand so to speak was at Anglesey. He was determined to destroy them as he believed that would weaken the resolve of the Celtic people as a whole. 

Dark Lord M

Still, I have searched the web and can find nothing of Caesar and the Two Courts.

Devious Viper

Vercingetorix was a Gaul, from France.

For a summarised time-line, read this:

Devious Viper

The events were hundreds of years apart. The two courts was not a part of the folklore at the time.

Dark Lord M

Okay, it was the Encyclopedia of the Celts they had information wrong?  :|

Anyway, he also said that the Two Courts and Faeries have taken their leave of our lands because of us stop believing in them. But that's not true; people still see them and Faeries as long as we believe in them they will stay. Monstrous Faery section says that they have left Scotland, but that does not mean they have moved somewhere else... Every living thing's major thought is to survive wherever they can, in our world or theirs. So they could have moved to other parts of the world. From what I understand Faeries need us to believe in them so they can stay in this world so that is why people still see them so that Faeries may coexist with us. But from what many folklorists believe (and so do I...) That the Twilight Realm and Earths ties are beginning to thin and that may be another reason why we don't see them as much. And I think soon the bind between the two worlds will brake once technology will take over and humans will only depend on it and everyone will forget the beliefs of old and Science Fiction will rule the minds of fiction... People will forget of the Wee Folk who spoiled our milk and stole our horses, and that is when they will truly take leave of us. So I must disagree with him saying that they have truly left us. They are still among us for now, just for now...

I put a lot of emotion into that post, and I that is what I truly believe and you can't change my mind with links or books. Sorry guys and gals, Michael's thoughts. ;)

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