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Fairy Rings

Started by Loup_Garou, July 15, 2006, 09:03:58 AM

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I found a Fairy Ring while on a recent assignment in Davison, Michigan. It was just after a really spectacular rain storm, and I just happened upon it, so I took a couple of pictures. I got a chance to measure it as well. It was about 3 ft (1 meter) across and it was a kind of uneven circle. (But deffinitely circular and deffinitely complete)

The quality isn't the best (I think my camera is only like 2.5 MPx or something not so good), but you can clearly see the dark ring of grass with the mushrooms all around it.


PS: (Yes, I stood in it. No, nothing cool happened.... yet.) :-D

Dark Lord M

lol, wow everything is happening in Michigan. I just got off a chat with a girl that lives there and she thinks shes the reincarnation of Morgan Le' Fay!

Anyway, I wish I could see a one, I havn't yet. I always think its funner to find them while walking in some woods. Was it in some park?


Actually it was in s tree lawn on the side of the road in the middle of suburbia... pretty crazy, eh?

Dark Lord M

I've heard crazier, I think I saw a little man in the middle of traffic


We get quite a few fairy rings here is the South London suburbs, though they are not usually as good as that one.
The Last day is near, and unless the Christians, Muslims and Jews unite against it which is tearing them apart - the devil, we will all perish


 :-DYou guys seriously never see many of these?
Just about every week from the near end of summer till the beginning of winter down here I get TONS of them  8-)
I get like 5 every day, but then again Im an avid beliver in the fay so maybe I just sparked their activity down here.


Never seen a mushroom full ring, I have seen a half ring though.

But I was wondering... what about flowers? I've seen volunteer flowers that grow in a lovely ring as if planted by human hand (even though 'I know' that was not the case...)

Just curious!

Dark Lord M

Where did you see them? In the woods?

Devious Viper

England is heaving with "fairy rings"
We have some here in my part of the country that, by working out the annual rate of expansion, they have determined are 400 years old.

They're merely sub-surface fungus. Perhaps they're less common in the USA because you are allowed to treat your grounds with anti-fungal products, which are outlawed here in Britain.

Dark Lord M

Yes, I know that they are fungus that's root touch each others which makes them grow in circular formations, but it is always fun to dream.


Yes, I've seen them in the woods and flower beds as well.
The one's in the woods are usually iris, lily or daffodil. And they're usually a mile or more away from the nearest house, in the older parts of the woods where humans rarely go.
The ones in a flower bed are annuals... That means the flowers die out and don't come back until you buy more seeds or plants and replant them.
But the curious part is they form a ring, not a perfectly formed ring, but a ring none-the-less.

The mushrooms around here evidently grow in a different manner than the ones that are 400 years old.
The half ring lasted only a few days before dying out and then a few mushrooms grew and they too died out and then weeks pass and one lowly mushroom will grow and die in the same manner.


We've got some in our back yard. Three I think. One's about fifteen feet across. Tall dark green grass that never seems to get shorter even after we mow. Mushrooms, toadstools, and others of the sort grow around it but very scattered.
I may dream of far off places but it's not just wishful thinking.

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