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Constance Clear

Started by Desdemone, October 27, 2003, 03:00:26 PM

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Constance Clear spent her life as a seeker of truth, a psychotherapist, a radio talk show host and novelist who tried to make people aware of different ideas.
Clear made a name for herself in the realm of alien abductions and UFO phenomena when she took the narratives of seven people who claimed to be abductees and published her first book, "Reaching for Reality: Seven Incredible True Stories of Alien Abduction."

Clear, 53, died Tuesday in Phoenix from injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident.

"She loved to get on her trike and just go," said her sister, Susan Ross. "I wrote that she rode her beloved motorcycle with the wind in her hair and a mission on her mind, because that sums up my sister."

In materials published for the release of her book in 1999, Clear said that within a year's time she found herself with seven clients from within a 200-mile radius of San Antonio who claimed to have been abducted by otherworldly beings.

Author Whitley Strieber and Clear met when they sat next to each other on an airplane and just began talking.

"She told me for the first time in her life these people started coming to her with their experiences of close encounters," Strieber said, adding they immediately became friends after that flight.

Her book had a tremendous effect on people who claimed to have had close encounters or survived abductions, he said.

"She was extremely kind to take people like me seriously," he said. "She was willing to listen rather than laugh at us."

Brent Fisher, Clear's ex-husband and a fellow psychotherapist, agrees that Clear's compassion set her apart from other psychotherapists.

For 15 years prior to her work with people who claimed to be alien abductees, Clear led a monthly support group, Share, for parents who lost babies through miscarriages, stillborn births or newborn deaths.

"I filled in for her on one session, and it was three hours of utter sorrow," Fisher said. "She was willing to entertain or allow some of the extreme emotions people had that most psychotherapists wouldn't accept."

Clear also had a show on KENS Radio called "Clear Talk" until the station went off the air earlier this year.

From 1991 to 1999, Clear helped run Independent Horizons, a group of homes for mentally disabled adults, with Ann Jordan and Lucinda Frost.

"She was a great business person," Jordan said. "When she had an idea, she didn't just talk about it, she did it."

Clear moved to Show Low, Ariz., after deciding to write a book about Hopi Indians, who for centuries have described meeting gods from the sky.

Clear also is survived by her son, Trustin Avery Clear of Houston, and two nieces.

A casual celebration of Clear's life is scheduled for 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 2 at Los Patios at 2015 N.E. Loop 410. The family invites friends to come with love and cherished memories of Clear.

Clear will be cremated, and her ashes will be spread near a tree in Arkansas where her parents' and brother's ashes already have been spread.

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