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Lucio Fulci's Zombie (1979)

Started by Avram Fawcett, July 26, 2006, 02:09:55 PM

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Avram Fawcett

Also called Zombi 2, Voodoo Dead, and Zombie Flesheaters. An Italian film considered something of a prequel to Dawn of the Dead by some. :?

Impressive makeup, and classic scenes of gore. The splinter in the eye..ouch. The music, ranging from cheap synth 70s porno soundtrack to cool tribal drums. And the gratitious niudity foiund in all foreign films (a naked woman swims about while a zombie fights a shark) You can't go wrong with late 70's gorefare like this.

So anyone seen it? I know somebody has....


This movie traumatized me as a child and forever turned me to the darkside of cinema.  The ocular impalement scene especially, was forever seared onto the backs of my retinas.

To hopefully help it along financially, it was touted as being the sequel to Night of the Living Dead.  Although, it had been written before NOTLD and was in no way tied to George A. Romero.  The opening and closing scenes in New York were written in afterwards to try to make the connection.
Death is never certain until you get poked in the eye with a stick.


Lots of Zombie films claim to be tied along with the Romero works. Nothing can hold a candle to him.


I'll admit to only having seen this once, and it being many years ago. I'd have to watch it again to really appreciate it in any kind of artistic sense.. Though, i agree that it just won't match to the Romero classics, even if it is unofficially classified as a prequel. Not to mention the fact that there are like 5 sequels to this film. I've been tempted to buy a 3 pack at BestBuy for like $20 bucks of Zombie 3, 4, and 5, but have a feeling i might be dissapointed..

Much like i was with the film "The Beyond", another Lucio Fulci "zombie classic".. While it wasn't an altogether horrible film, and was surely influential to other film makers, i just personally didn't find it as appealing as other classic 70's horror films such as PHANTASM (The Beyond was actually made in 1981, 3-4 years prior of Romero's 'Day of the Dead)

Again, i can see the allure of Dario Argento, Fulci and many other film-makers, but people like Romero, or Sam Raimi, Tobe Hooper, usually "out-scare" the films made in Europe and Italy, at least IMO... U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A...!!! :roll:

I'm sure that budget might play into this though.. But Night of the Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Evil Dead have some of the smallest budgets of any cult classic horror films every produced...


Raimi is a effects guru! He helped on the hills have eyes remake. Thats why the gore was so gooooooood!

And great point about the meager budgets! It shows you don't have to have big bucks if your a freakin genious! :@0

Check out walmart for the Fulci movies they've had them for a buck in the past!!!!


All it takes is a great script and an amazing director, 'cause you can make a movie on a dime these days, and have it turn out spectacular.
Death is never certain until you get poked in the eye with a stick.

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