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Can Someone Send Me a List

Started by Dark Lord M, August 01, 2006, 11:49:34 AM

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Dark Lord M

I'm not expecting anyone to for some reason, but does anyone have a list of Faery Queens that I can look at and read?

Thanks if you can. :)

Devious Viper



Devious Viper

They are the Irish ones I know of. The others are often referred to as fairy queens but may have other stories at their very root.
In England (especially Shropshire) there is Lady Godda. In western France there is Melusine; in Languedoc and eastern France they have La Reine Blanche (the White Queen) and also La Reine Pedauque (the Goose-footed Queen - who is the Mother Goose of nursery rhyme). In Brittany they have a Dahud or Ahès, who appeared as a deer to a Breton king. The Basques have Mari. In the north of England she is called Brigantia (not to be confused with St Bridgit) whose name means The High One and who gave her name to the Brigantes tribe. There are also numerous 'saints' such as St Bridgit and St Morwenna who are really fairy queens in other guise.

Bloody Angel

From a darker side  :wink: perspective:
- Druantia
- Macha
- Morrigan
- White Lady

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