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Can Anyone Give Me A Link? (or two)

Started by Dark Lord M, August 12, 2006, 03:30:40 PM

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Dark Lord M

I've got a major major headache, the dogs are barking, my sister has the TV up really loud, and I can't find any information or just stuff on what I'm looking for. I'm trying to dig up more information on Goblins and Trolls, I can only find small dictionaries talking about certains ones, Wikipedia's articles are terrible, and alls there is on the web is mindless RPG crap. So can ayone give me a link or two for them? I'm also looking for modern day Faery sightings if anyone can give me links there too.

Thanks. :-)

Dark Lord M

Hats off to you Viper, if you happen to find more just post 'em here. It seems that my books I have don't stress goblins and trolls.

Devious Viper

When searching on, eg Google, always try specifying sites only from "" - it cuts out pages of .com garbage!

Dark Lord M

Got it, RPG stuff annoys the hell out people like me.

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