
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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strong shadows are coming out

Started by fallen, August 13, 2006, 04:49:07 PM

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well last night at about 3am my guardian showed up when i was out for coffie,about 2hours later i felt something insanly strong   in my friends house,but at first i could not find it, but then i went to check his basement and it was there,because i went half way down the stairs and it stoped me from going down any further. and about 15min later i told my friends cat to follow me into the basement and he did but it was gone as if it was never there,and about 20min later the shadow attacked my other friend by trying to pull down with alot of force on his why back from the bathroom.  i realy think something bad is going to happen soon because for some reason the shadows are much stronger then normal,because most of the time i can feel how strong the shadows are and force most of them away but they are gaining power and it cant be good.  if anyone can help plz reply         and  i have made a scale for them its 1 thr 10 and the one that found me last night was a 10. this cant be good.
I have walked the path of darkness and no longer fear anything. All who stand in my path shall fall to my feet and beg for mercy.

Devious Viper


no my faith is what i can see and feel
I have walked the path of darkness and no longer fear anything. All who stand in my path shall fall to my feet and beg for mercy.


Well do you have practices or rituals or something?


not realy things keep finding me i, dont realy know why. well  i do meditate alot
I have walked the path of darkness and no longer fear anything. All who stand in my path shall fall to my feet and beg for mercy.


and if i was not the only one of my friends this is happening to then i would just say i am crazy,but this is starting to happen alot
I have walked the path of darkness and no longer fear anything. All who stand in my path shall fall to my feet and beg for mercy.

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