
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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How serial killers start out...

Started by Devious Viper, August 26, 2006, 04:26:56 AM

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Quote from: Petling on July 18, 2008, 02:36:41 PM

Now, I agree with Moloch. I also think it's important for adults to teach kids a safe way for releasing anger, like in a boxing club, or somethin. But it's not just parents, schools too, are responsible. In my old one, they said you can't fight, NOT EVEN TO DEFEND YOURSELF. So that is really messed up.

What the hell are they playing at?? What good it will do? Not defending yourself can lead to serious problems and make matters worse. When I went through a time I didn't defend myself and permitted the others to beat the air out of me I got off worser than a person who'd fight back and be harmed by it. Allowing others to do what they want to you is devastating. And don't think it's only boys who're victimized - I was 14 when a boy had thrown me down the stairs and kicked my back just because he thought I had a crush on him. After that I walked, forcing myself not to limp, and kept quiet despite the blinding pain. I couldn't fight back and I didn't seek revenge - the only lesson I learned was that people can be cruel.


wth!!! What kinda freak would do that? We should team up with Moloch & Tybalt & hunt that jack ass down!!! :gun: :gun: :gun:


You're right, instead of dealing with it wish I could do something like that, for I have done absolutely nothing to that guy. :cry:

I don't care anymore, even if I was a good fighter among the oher girls he's still a coward for beating a girl and having his thugs on his side for back-up. (Or just to laugh there heads off at me, lol.) Doesn't matter, wasn't such a big deal - it's all part of the past anyways.


Wow, I would so hold a grudge for life. Luckily I have never had a situation that serious outside of my family. I probably would have become a juvenile serial killer if I had. Nothin to hold me back. O,O

ego death

Usually with an abusive mother, and of course the triad: wetting the bed into adolescence, torturing animals, and starting fires


Quote from: ego death on May 07, 2010, 01:11:29 PM
Usually with an abusive mother, and of course the triad: wetting the bed into adolescence, torturing animals, and starting fires

that's what i was gonna say .

kids are getting worse though. i think its largely down to a lack of punishment. when i was a kid you didn't mess around cos you were terrified of the beating you would get from your parents if you did. nowadays parents cant tough the kid. I'm not saying we should go back to the dark ages, but i don't think this whole counselling society really works. a sociapth just thinks. "ha. no one can touch me, i can do what i want!"  you cant create rules with the assumption that everyone is as nice and well rounded as you are. I'm sorry but kids just did not do this kind of thing when they would get caned by the teacher. Not unless they were seriously, seriously deranged. it's a sad but true fact of life.


Typical most people who become  murderers  fit into specific archetypes,  often having  similarities in their lives, or  home life growing up typical this is abusive parental figures and family members, perhaps history of mental illness in the family.  Something like this  assault   being discussed here seems at least semi preconceived and thought out by the perpetrator. one doesn't just snap and tie somebody up, after kicking them and dragging them.

I read an article on line some time ago that antisocial tendencies, if listed as a personality disorder are relatively undiagnosed and happen in a larger percentage of the population that   other illnesses that are much better known. (I'm currently trying to dig it up again I'll post links if i can find it)

Any how there was implications that antisocial tendencies  over all  are also a major warning  that a person could['/i] develop into the sort of person who commits these horrible crimes. This often  develops into bullying torturing and abusing animals and the sort, perhaps even stranger  behaviors  before leading to violent assaults and  murders.  Drugs may also play a part as well, as that too is fairly common in many violent crimes.  tough it does not make much sense with the information we have here on the case.

In response to Moloch's comment it is perfectly normal to snap after being sat on or pushed around for too long,  and it shows no predisposition towards excessive random acts of violence.   a temporary moment of insanity, beserking or blindly raging is perfectly understandable.   in some ways it's the same as murders that occur when arrangements go really really bad. this just doesn't sound like that either.  Such things can sometime cause  premeditated murders, particularly when they happen on a larger scale, more often than not extensive bulling result in the victim trying to isolate themselves and engage in self destructive behavior, and or the victim turning into a bully themselves
Remember plan pillage then burn


I agree that in this particular instance the kid obviously has serious problems. But I still stand by the fact that the methods we are currently using to instill discipline and a sense of moral values on kids are not working. I'm not claiming to know the answer, that is for greater minds than mine to work out.

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