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Black Eyed Kids

Started by leapetra, September 09, 2006, 05:00:13 PM

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This might be in the wrong topic area, I apoligize.  But I found out about these children while looking up info about Shadows.

Black Eyed Children are definatly new and creepy.  The first report on the internet was with this post
Their are many more reports now.

To clarify they are talking about solid black eyes, not dilated pupils, not large black irises.  they look like something like the gutarist in Limp Bizkit would do.

Many people think that these are kids playing a pank, wearing contacts.  The Contacts cost $320 and up, seems like an expensive prank, especially when the ages of the kids are described as 8 to 18.

What are your opinons?
Are they Vampires?
Are they Demons?
Extraterrestrals? Pranksters?  People overreacting to teen agers?



Phantom X

Perhaps, by letting them into the car, he was letting them into his life and allowing them to 'posess' him. Thus why he wouldve been killed.
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Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

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