
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Goblin research

Started by fan, October 29, 2006, 03:17:43 PM

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Looking for a tyipicall goblin who helps around a house but moves objects and loose them.                             

M Sidhe


Goblins are not little green fellows with pointy ears...

They are not Servants either, they are Fairies that are highly dangerous.


Fan, the creature you are thinking of is a Brownie not a Goblin. No fey is a servant. They won't do your chores for you & they cannot be controlled. Until you understand the fey better, do not attempt to contact any of the fey races as the malicious fey will trick you & make their way into your home even though they aren't who you were trying to reach.

Mr. Kreepy

I find this thread pretty amusing, since the word "goblin" comes from the word "kobold", which was a mischievous and sometimes outright malicious spirit.
How someone could think of bossing around a spirit that gets its jollies by farking up your day, I haven't the faintest idea.


Oh Kreepy, we are actually agreeing again! You are very right about Kobolds. I think someone may be taking Harry Potter a little too seriously. There are no Doby the House Elf types that will do whatever you want. And if there were, Goblins would probably kick their ***, that's just the kind of creatures they are.

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