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I have a lot of questions!

Started by Rykon, January 23, 2007, 04:50:29 AM

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hello everyone. I stumbled upon this part of the forum yesterday and was very interested in the subject. I've always thought it would be cool to cast magic, but i never thought it was real. Now science says magic is imposible, but then again according to science i don't exist. lol. i just have some questions about magic.
1. why does everyone spell it magik instead of magic?
2. what are the capabilities of magik?
3. where do you get ingredients for spells?
4. is it just an illusion like pulling a rabbit out of a hat?? or does it really have effects on things?
5. what are all the different types of magic?
6. if I were to want to learn how to cast magic where should i go to learn how?

thank you all!
"Wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf in thyself"

Phantom X

1) It is to differentiate between stage illusions and our craft. This speeling style was developed by  the first half of the 20th century by Aleister Crowley when he made it a core component of his mystical system of Thelema.

2)As far as you are willing to go to bend reality, time, and space.

3)They are usually around the house items, depending on the type of craft and intent.

4) It is 100% REAL. Dont mess with it unless you are ready to deal with the results.

5)Chaos, Green, Left Hand, Wiccan, Pagan, Druid, the list goes on and on

6)The Internet has a vast amount of opportunities....
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I am guided by my own power doubled.

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Quote from: Rykon on January 23, 2007, 04:50:29 AM
Now science says magic is imposible, but then again according to science i don't exist.

Actually Science itself doesn't say "Magic or Gods are impossible", that is just the opinion of many Scientists themselves. Science has never been able to disprove magic or gods, jsut as no one has ever been able to prove them. Try not confuse the opinions of the people with the facts of the Path. :spy:
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wow thanks for all the info. do you know of any sites that can give me the basics of magic and a few easy spells to start out with? thank you
"Wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf in thyself"


© Necropolis™ 2001-06, The authors, affiliates and their subsidiary companys however accept no responsability for any coherence in the above or any aforementioned or prior correspondance.


I have a question. Why are the words spoken in spells are of the nature of calling strange creatures or divine or something while people believe that magik's origin is internal energy?

Please reply
Fire awaits the evil ...


Well, it depends on the type of spell.  Some spells don't call on other beings, but merely state a request or intent so the spellcaster's will can be further focused.  The energy is internal and is manipulated to fulfill the spell's goal by the spellcaster.

Often those that call on something divine are asking for their diety's help, much like prayer.  In those cases it is often asked that the god/goddess lend their power to the spellcaster, and in those cases the energy comes from the diety.  This is more a request or prayer to a god than anything else.

There are also some other types of magic like chaos magic, where the words can be rather random; they can be filled with names of invented dieties and creatures.  Power in this case is still completely internal, and the magical ritual is not at all related to the gods they have made up.  Chaos magic is a strange thing, though, so in general I wouldn't worry about this case (as I don't want to try to explain it at the moment).

This is all speaking from my own experience, so this isn't the only way to think about it either.  Magic is a complicated thing because there is so much variety.


I agree, I have always heard that the words were a method of focusing, kind of like a channel.  Some people call out rituals, some people chant mantras, others listen to music with intent.  However, as stated above, magic is varied and complex.

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