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Ghostbusters 3?

Started by Phantom Stranger, February 03, 2007, 03:18:35 PM

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Phantom Stranger

 CGI Ghostbusters III?
Source: CISN Country
February 2, 2007

Dan Aykroyd visited radio station CISN Country and revealed that a Ghostbusters III is in the works.

Aykroyd said that the film will be CGI and Bill Murray has agreed to do the voice of Dr. Peter Venkman. No word on whether Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson or any other of the original actors will return to voice their characters.
I am known in many realms by many names, but those that know me in your world call me the Phantom Stranger.


This could be interesting, but it 's been a long, long time.  Maybe they need to come up with something really new for it this time around.


I'm kind of bummed that there planning to make it in cgi. I'd like to see them back in live action getting "slimed" %&$
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.



Every body likes that movie in my house the movies gold what can I say But
that it's just great man cool my mom love's Ghost Movies. :-D


The use of CGI covers up the fact that the actors have aged so much.


Sounds pretty freaking sweet, may not be as good as the original but then again, is any movie series?
Also they are working on a Ghostbusters Video Game, check it out on Google.
The Fate of Destruction is Also the Joy of Rebirth
-Neon Genesis Evangelion


Ahh the nostalgia.......Dannannannannanna...Da Nanana  I know I'm a dork but they better throw in some old school  music!
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


The project is kind of iffy, considering how many years have gone by since the last Ghostbusters film.

It will probably get made but a lot of modern fans won't know about the previous two.


of course they will. you know when they bring back an old series or whatever they will have the old one pouring out of every retail outlet just like TMNT for instance. Couldn't even go to a gas station without seeing the old trilogy for sale
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


With my own kids I have trouble getting them to watch these older films.  My son wouldn't watch the original Star Wars trilogy with me, but he did like the newer ones.

It's kind of iffy doing a third Ghostbusters film at this point.


 Ohh.. I loved Ghostbusters!! I hope they do make a new one!
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