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Fairies, Then and Now (split from trolls)

Started by Vendoh, March 02, 2007, 10:44:37 PM

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Hey guys, this is M. I split this topic because it got off subject, so now we can continue the conversation.

Though you can always clap your hands, and say " I believe in fairys"... lol just kidding M. %&$ :banplea: 
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.

M Sidhe

*Resists temptation to kill VenDoh*

Actaully, I'm decentely happy with what JM Barrie did with fairies, he at least brought them back to their mischievious selves. Let me just say *waves hand* Barrie revived them then Disney killed them. I hope when I begin to publish my work that I revive them again. I hate steriotypes for these wonderful/terrible beings. The only littled winged women I know in the actual mythology are the Water Sheerie and the "flower fairies" there are another type from Ireland who's name escapes me. But they do try to kill humans. They're like Will O' the Wisp, only human'ish.


I'm sorry I really din't mean to offend.... I was just joking... <^>
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.

M Sidhe

No problem, I get that a lot when I talk about these subjects. With yours you talk about humans changing into animals, are part animal, or whatever, same with werewolves and vampires. People will be like 'oh yeah! Cool, vampire, werewolves!' but when you try to talk about fairies they get this image of small little naked women with girly butterfly wings. They don't think of these terrible of beings of all shape and form that will frighten, kidnap, harm, or even KILL humans for no other reason that they can see them and they're mortal. Trust me, no vampire, werewolf, or otherkin would DARE attack a fairy, much less a horde of them. They'd be destroyed within seconds. But popular belief has made them weak, that's why they are so small and there arn't nearly as many of them.


 I know the true idea of a fairy, M. It's just good humor to throw a sterio type once in a while. Like when people say lycanthropes are all mindless beings :x lol
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.

M Sidhe

Only say that if you want to be torn to shreds, aye? In the British Isles it was feared to say the word fairy because they thought it would bring them to their home. People would put crucifixs in their belongings and iron above their children and doors to keep them away. It was dangerous to talk about them by name, so they called them the good people, wee folk, good neighbors, or the gentry.


I know that there is know way White Wolf is accurate, but how much of a deviation is Changeling from actual mythology?  I haven't studied the fae too much.

I would ask you about the faerie depictions in Christopher Stasheff's work, but I doubt anyone here has ever read it, so I will curb my urges.

M Sidhe

Do explain it, I can determine pretty much anything of the Fae. I'll probobally disappear soon or later. :P

I don't think the Changeling can quite see the future, but are very clever, smart, I know a lot. But they never help the mortal family. They are very good at music, but thats really the only positive thing they do. Now the Irish Phooka can see the future. November 1st  is known as the Phooka day and there are accounts of a large, terrible speaking horse that appears on certain mountains and will tell you your future up to the next November 1st. Phooka Day is the only day that the Phooka is actually helpful, on all the other days it will run through the paths and grab any late night traveler for the steeds nightly run.

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