
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Started by rekipo, June 27, 2007, 05:03:25 PM

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This is my first post here on these forums so hello all!  :-D Now on to the the real post, i have been experiencing supernatural activity, kind of for my whole life, but now, it's been getting intense. The big issue is what's going on now, about 4 months ago, my dog started barking and whining like crazy in my kitchen. I would put him in the room where i was in, try to console him, but he went to the exact same spot. I had a suspicion that it was supernatural so i started yelling at it, telling it this is my house that it was not welcome, and it never happened again to my dog. Later, my friend and I were talking on the phone, we had watched a show called a haunting, and he was saying that he wished something like that would happen, that he would welcome it, that he wouldn't be scared, immediately after things started happening like the tv turning off and changing channels once it got turned off, sounds coming from his basement where he was when he had said those things, seeing shadows, and a picture of jesus christ turning black. My friend is a very good person and i believe him about these events, he would never have any reason to lie and is very intelligent and mature for his age. His mother also told him about a dream she had, she was taking a shower, the lights flickered, her husband sat down in the toilet but didn't face her, and when he did he had sharp teeth and large pure black pupils. We have both done things that would attract spirits, i have done black mirrors twice, and use tarot. My friend has done things that would attract evil, but I won't say them, because he hasn't said if it was ok. About a month ago me and my father both woke up from a terrible nightmare at the exact same time, and i had close both of our doors that night. something had told him to check on me, and i had asked him if he had crazy dreams that night, which he replied yes. i have had certain periods where i had nightmares all night long, but nightmares where i was nervous, or worried or scared, all the negative emotions. I look up demons often and so does my friend. we have both been doing things that would attract the supernatural, more-so him. One last story for this already super elongated post, when i was about eleven or 12, me and my friend were talking about the mysteries of life basically, and we got filled with fear, we went into out beds, (i was sleeping over) we looked into a bible and we saw revelation which didn't help, then we lied down in our beds talking about how we have nothing to fear because God is on our side, then when we were both looking eachother in the face talking, we both saw the human depiction of what satan would look like, beard, red face, and horns, i told my frined to turn on the lights and i saw he was scared too. After about a month i asked him about why he was scared that night and he told me he saw the face of the devil on my face. I had never told him about what i saw until after he told me. What i am trying to figure out is what this is, and another thing, when i was a child i always used to see black figures out of the corner of my eye, and thought it was just a mind trick, but now i dunno. My mother was also really into the other realms, could a trait like that be passed down? I'm sorry there is so much, but i don't know how to put it all together.


I am the friend Rekipo spoke of in his post, and the things I have done to attract evil are countless....just a few of the wicked things i have done

Drew a swastika on a Eucharist, and burned it

Burned Crucifixes and images of Christ

Prayed to Satan and the gods of hell, and practiced the Black arts....

and now it has come back to bite both of us in the rear.

-Mr. crowley-
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways--I to die and you to live. Which is the better, only God knows. - Socrates

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.
. - Socrates


dude, why did you even do all those things? what are you, a satanist or something? :-o
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


Some version of one at least, is what I believe he was attempting to be. Remember Vince, most folks never move past the idea of  Good v. Evil.


 Well first of all... please tell me you've both stopped attracting evil by doing those things. Otherwise, you're wasting time by asking for help. There is nothing wrong with being curious about other beings, but you have to be careful and cautious. What exactly are you asking of us anyway?
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

rave phillaphia

ok... Here is my rant...

DON'T USE BLACK MAGICK!!! why does know one get it. black magick against god, everlasting tormented soul in hell. Not to sound too mean cause I like to help people BUT I do believe that you both deserve what you get because you wanted a little "attention" because apparently you didn't have enough belief in GOD and wanted to know the truth. Well boys you went the wrong path for it because you have not just got your attention but probally angered HIM. There were plenty of ways to gain knowledge without envoking evil. Tring to tip the balance? well it will settle itself if you stop your acts and ask for forgivness and do good. I am not one to be preaching but I don't get why people want to do bad to find the truth. It hurts themselves more then others. Another thing the devil has no time to be inside of you. "devil in my face" yeah don't think so. It is the acts that we do that provokes what happends. Satan like to lure people off the road to salvation because he was designed to do that. That was his angelic job in the first place. No one knew that he would be so hateful of people and jelous in the end trying to rebel because he didn't feel "loved" enough. Thats why people are attracted to him. He don't care about you. He only cares about himself. He HATES people. He uses them and hates them, then tortures their everlasting soul in hell.

Just stop what you are doing cause this is the only real advise your probally going to get on here. And oh yeah. Attention is not always a good thing. If you guys are making this up for attention that would be wrong. Also if you were doing this for attention of the supernatural youv'e got it. How does it feel now? Do you like it? If you don't and are scared get out of it while you can. Your too young to lose your soul (even though your friend used the Mr. part in).

I don't try to sound mean just concerned.

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