
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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bringing goth to the mainstream?

Started by luminar, July 18, 2007, 06:27:37 AM

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somebody should seriously start a set of tv channels dedicated to goths. have one for fashion and food, one for talk shows and news, one for movies and tv shows, and one for something else awsome. seriously my bro was watching nickelodeon and i realised that every goth kid portrayed on the shows were portrayed as evil psychotic bullys! wth! this is a very stupid stereotype. while i aplaud the portrayal of a more manly tough image of a goth not every goth is a killer or a bully or depressed. it drivesd me insane. if they made a tv show with kids or teens that were all goth but portrayed as good people i would donate money to that watch it and join the fanclub! seriously we need to take this to some tv station.


Goth TV? Now that's a new one! Goth, by the way, has gone mainstream long ago with the invention of Hot Topic, which isn't so much goth now.

Anyway!  :focus: It's sad theat they'd portray them on the show you watched as evil and psychotic, and the depressed goth thing is just...old!
Burn red and gold, the deep dark colors of the snakes I hold!


Sorry to rain on your parade, but it'd never fly; for the same reason that prison and crime dramas that truly reflect 'real life' never do. The reality is nowhere near as exciting as the fiction. Unfortunately that means that the masses will believe that they can and should torment Goths and the like.


i agree with you. someone should start a tv show about goths, so that the side of t he goths can be heard and be understood by the people
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


Yeah somebody should, but I wouldn't know how or what it'd deal with.
Burn red and gold, the deep dark colors of the snakes I hold!


i actually agree with Demona about the depressed goth thing i mean really of all the goths ive met and know including my cousin ive never seen a depressed one but i think people are starting to see things differently what with Abby from NCIS by the by im not a goth....IM A STEAMPUNK!!!!! :wink:


Unfortunately, what you'll find when you follow this link is about typical for what you'd get if you tried to bring Goth into the mainstream. Goth was never meant to be mainstream. It is meant to be a counter-culture, a rebellion. Bringing it mainstream will only cheapen it. Sort of like selling your soul, only this would be far worse for those of us who live in the dark. We'd have to tolerate the big lights of Hollywood, which I know many of us don't like.

Not to mention that Hollywood would never portray us correctly. We'll always be freaks to the masses. So, why not enjoy being part of something they'll never understand, especially when this is probably the best we can expect from them.
Goth Public Access


i didnt really want to bring it to the "mainstream" but basically make it available for goths to subsrcibe to on cable or whatever and if the rest of humanity finally realises the truth thats a plus.


I think its stupid idea to have a "goth cable"!!! Goth was never ment to be a thing to broadcast like some "whats new with Paris Hilton" s**t. Goth isnt about news, famous, food or stuff like that. Its a state of mind that no one can make a TV program that would run 24/7. If someone is a Goth, he/she will be one, no matter of what cable tv would say about. And I think if there would be a thing like that, goth would water up, and loose its true meaning. I mean, goth people dont waste time on watching tv, they listen music, read books, talk with other people, and always try to upgrade their unsatisfied knowing of all. That is Goth, not some that have nothing to do in their lives but stear at stupid electric box that is trying to tell you how to live your life. So, go out and live Goth, dont watch others do so.


breaking new guys it is to late, the Goth's/Emo's at my school (of 2,800 students) and surrounding schools (all  over 2,000 students) are all pretty much mainstream in their own way. they are no longer lonely and sad individuals that wear their own unique outfits. they are all totally influenced by goth or emo bands and other Mainstream media related to it. to tell the truth i would be classified as a jock but i stand out more as an individual because of my personality. Shouldn't it be your personality that makes you different? if your outside does not reflect your inside you are walking around wearing a Halloween costume every day just too fit in. maybe i wear mainstream - nike, reboke, new balance, it does not matter to me i don't care about it , its just clothes that i wear because it is comfortable not because if i don't i wouldn't be mainstream. almost nothing is original anymore and everything is mainstream in some way, so why doesnt everyone just be who they are on the inside.
We are all monsters in some way.


ooooookkkk. whats the problem with having that option when you cant go anywhere else when your stuck inside. and also wouldnt it be cool to have television programming that goths could appreciate instead of hearing about paris hilton all the time. and if goth falls apart because of a television station its already fell apart.


Yes, it's true that most goths don't spend time watching tv, and and the other sites are where it's most visited... what really could really entertain us (just like the sites) is a goth magazine, subscribe to read articles that discuss poetry, book reviews, movies, plays and music with stuff like art contests including an advertisement of a variety of regional stores like tattoo studios etc along with announcing debate/book groups and meeting places just to hang around and have fun. It is not necessary to make it mainstream, but avoid letting the dark crowd be swept off the map completely. 


did you make that or did you get it somewhere that is freakin awsome! (i know its not a real magazine im talking about the design.


Quote from: luminar on April 24, 2008, 07:04:09 AM
did you make that or did you get it somewhere that is freakin awsome! (i know its not a real magazine im talking about the design.

I found it on the net somewhere, hell would freeze if I knew how to do something like this!XD

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