
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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what do u consider to be the scariest movie ever?

Started by lancslassie, October 11, 2007, 12:30:42 PM

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 I suppose I used the word "people" a bit too freely. It's the Monsters that I was thinking of, Mo.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Andrea Warfare

It seems Banshee has been silenced.With our powers combined,we are Captain Monstrous!
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


Too weird to live....too rare to die

Andrea Warfare

We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.

Orlok the undead

I don't find almost anything scary nowadays  <^>

These are the only ones, that have managed to scare me:

Session 9 (2001)

Black Christmas (1974, the original, not the crappy remake! :gun:)

Fallen (1998, great demon-flick w/ the demon Azazel)

Sauna (2008, Really weird/atmospheric/creepy)

Fire in The Sky (1993, I've only seen the abduction scene, and it's freaky as hell!)


i found the decsent movies to be quite freaky...
i want to belive....yes, i know its a rip off lol

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