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which hollywood monster are you quiz! really cool

Started by Morton, November 14, 2007, 08:15:04 AM

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Fantastically Captivated

Here is what it said about me.   *<:) LOL

You are...A BIG GEEK

Yes, you're temperamental, volatile, and always prepared for an epic battle to the death...
...over whether Batman is better than Superman, anime is better dubbed or subtitled, or whether the 3rd Edition D & D rules are better than 2nd Edition.

Yeah, who are you kidding? You're just a big geek. And we mean that in the nicest possible, because we are too.

BTW, 2nd edition rules the old skool.

***Admittedly, I am kind of a geek in disguise.  Is that a super power?  :gun:

Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. -Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven


You are a Giant Mantis

You are irresistably drawn to biting off the heads of anyone around you. Yes, you are loathed and feared by all, but how many Saturday nights can you sit at home alone, eating Ben & Jerry's "Cockroach Caramel Crunch" and watching Microcosm again on Animal Planet? Just for once, try to resist.

If you can't resist, at least hide the bodies.

Wow is all I can say. i did a report on them once.
In Pandora's box came out evil, illness, and death which mankind did not know of until then. And at the bottom of the box was hope for mankind.
You know what I would do, if I had my god-damn choice, I would be the catcher in the rye...or should I?


You are...

A Giant Lizard!

You're loyal to a fault. When your friends call, you're always available -- whether it's to help move a piano up the stairs or defend their island from a giant three-headed dragon.
You like your steak well done.

You still haven't figured out how to program your VCR.

  Hey DDL, I am Godzilla..........Wanna Play?

In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

Ronin Lore

I'm an alien.

You've always felt like you didn't belong, even though you were Secretary of the high school Science Fiction club.
People find you distant and aloof. Try to come down to earth every once in awhile...but leave the probe at home.

You're unusually susceptible to colds and flu -- try echinachea, or another solar system.

...On The Wings Of Life, By The Hands of hope,....


I forgot to spend some time thinking of a cool signature.

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