
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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do i have precognitive abilites?

Started by luminar, November 16, 2007, 04:44:15 AM

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i have recently started seeing or experienceing things i have foreseen in dreams and such. i realize i probably do have some precognitive ability my question is how do i develop this ability?

rave phillaphia

I don't know if that is such a good idea. One because if you know what is going to happen life gets boring (trust me I know), two because you might see death (not yours of course) which is not fun because then you know exactly when someone is going to die and it hurts you cause you can't do anything about it.

its ok sometimes but not all the time.


Rave is right. While it would be nice to see winning lottery numbers, unfortunately, you'd also see things you wouldn't want to see. If your pre-cognitive abilities are most active during your dreams, leave them there, that's where they work best.


well thats probably true but if i have these abilities im probably supposed to use them. however developing these abilities would be interfering with the flow of my life which is against my religion. (ponders posting a thread about my religion.) anyway i guess ill just try to write down my dreams and pay attention to them.


I dunno every time i try to lucid dream i some times get precognition dreams instead then i wake up not remembering half a dream and after a few days have past something extremely familiar happens which is strange.


Try to lucid dream or time view and see what happens.




  DD you are going to insist on becoming my new Excedrin headache aren't you?  DO everyone a favor and start making sense or I will make you disappear.  I have more interesting things on my plate at the moment which means I will not take the time to deal with minor distortions like you.  And in case you don't understand let me be perfectly blunt.  STOP ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT OR I WILL SHOW YOU THE DOOR!  Any question?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Darkdragon3157 I am going to enlighten you to what the perceived issue is. (I'm going to tell you why there are angry people after you say things)

I am not mad, I could not care less about your beliefs or anything else anyone says for that matter. I care about presentation and mannerisms. I like grammar and take pride in trying to utilize it correctly. (Not use it correctly, but TRY)

Now i'm not saying that is your issue here. For that I will offer insight (I am unbiased but I do like yelling at people)

Now then there is a rule topic that was made and in it are also instructions. I was one of the few members who bothered to read it when I joined.
You are not using the modify button and are double posting, now what is the difference between double posting and new input? Well that is to your discretion but usually any time you have to correct your previous statement, It is best to use the MODIFY button. It alters and edits the selected post to be more correct then it previously was.

Now the issue for this topic is that it is old and we don't like reviving topics like this unless there is an academic, valid reason to do so. For example someone has input or an example that pertains to the topic.

In this case there was input pertaining to the topic, so I personally bear no ill will here. The only thing you need to do is practice that MODIFY button, go ahead and press it, if you mess up it does not matter. As long as you try... If you try you will already be ahead of most people...
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


The issue to me, is I think he is being a smartass after our mod L.G. asked very very nicely for him to stop.



Ohhh so I'm supposed to change my comment like this? O_o right?


OMG!!!! its a flood of idiots lately *opens umbrella*  :roll:


Quote from: Darkdragon3157 on March 22, 2011, 02:26:00 PM
Ohhh so I'm supposed to change my comment like this? O_o right?

  Yes that is how you use the Modify button.  Unfortunately your complete lack of respect for my Moderators has just earned you a weeks worth of time out.  You will be able to see what is going on, but you will no longer be able to post.  Let us hope this action finally get the point across to you.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

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